Chapter 7

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At the other hospital..

Bible pov..

Bible.. Bas and Lira finally arrives at the hospital.. Bas get out from his car and yell..'Please help me! I have a patient! His life is in danger!' a doctor..(Perth Nakhun) along with 2 nurse come towards them and help to carry Apo towards the emergency room.. Bible tremble in fear while crying... Bas rub Bible shoulder and say..'Please stop crying Bible.. Have you call your family yet?' Bible shake his head and say.. 'I must go inside right now! I can't leave my belove in there! Let me go Bas!' Bible push Bas out of the way and run into the hospital.. Lira then take the IV bottle and give it to Bas.. Bas then noticed the colour of the IV liquid suddenly change... Lira then say..' Something isn't right Dr Bas.. Right now.. We must take this bottle and ask someone to investigate about this.. We need to know what exactly happened to Apo back there..' Both of them run into the hospital and look for a doctor..

Bible then see the nurse and approach her.. The nurse look at Bible and say..'Sir..I hope you will be patient.. Right now the patient is fighting for his life... Luckily you come here faster.. Otherwise.. He won't be alive... Please excuse me..' The nurse bow and leave Bible alone... Bible try to calm himself and try not to cry but fail.. Bible cry hard and speak in his heart..' Apo.. Please come back to me sweetheart.. I can't live without you! I love you! Dear God.. Please save Apo! 'Bible keep praying as his tears keep flowing non stop..

Bas pov..

Bas is wandering around near the corridor with Lira... Lira then see another doctor... Bas then call out and say..' Excuse me.. Excuse me doctor.. 'Bas look at the doctor while panting and so does Lira.. The doctor (Pong) then say..' Please calm down.. Im Pong.. Please tell me what happen actually.. So that I can understand.. Bas then show the IV bottle to Pong.. Pong then take the bottle and say.. 'Alright.. I will take this to the lab.. Please sit over there and wait for a while..' Pong then walk towards the lab while leaving Bas and Lira... Lira then speak up.. 'Just now.. I saw a man.. with a blonde hair and specs.. He said he is a new staff.. He walked straight towards Apo's ward..' Bas feel shock then ask back.. 'Did he say anything else?' Lira shake her head slowly and hold Bas's hands.. Bas pull Lira towards him and say.. 'Its OK Lira.. Apo will be fine.. Im sure... that man isn't a culprit.. Mile just using that man as a bait.. Mile want to end Apo's life.. Thats why he asked someone to do it for him..'

Bible pov...

Bible is still waiting for Apo.. Suddenly his phone buzz and see his father name on the screen.. Bible sigh heavily and answer the phone call and say..' H.. Hello Pa? 'Mr Sumettikul then ask..' Son..? Is there something happen to you? Please tell me what happen? I thought you are still at the office.. Its almost afternoon.. Ma and Pa already at the office but one of the staff said that you are at the hospital.. Are you still there son?Thong are worry about you.. Your mom as well'..Bible then see the doctor come out from the emergency room and look at Bible with a worry expression... Bible then say.. 'Pa.. I will call you back..' Bible then hung up the phone and ask.. 'Doctor.. How is Apo? Perth then ask back..' Who are you and what is your relationship with the patient? 'Bible take a deep breath and say..' Im Bible Sumettikul and Im Apo's brother in law.. Please tell me what is actually happened to him? Before Perth could answer...Suddenly.. Pong.. Bas and Lira come towards them.. Perth turn his gaze towards Perth and ask..' Dr Pong.. Have you found anything suspicious?'

Bas then reply back.. 'Bible.. Dr Pong have something to tell you.. Please continue Dr Pong..' Dr Pong nod and say.. 'I hope you will be patient Mr Bible.. Mr Apo condition is very  worrying right now'.. Perth clear his throat and speak up.. 'To be honest.. We almost lost him.. In this kind of situation.. We didn't know either Apo will be able to survive or not..' Bible feel shock and sit down on the chair.. The tears start to fall out from his eyes.. Bas then ask.. 'Dr Pong.. Please explain everything to Bible so that he is able to understand...' Dr Pong nod and give the IV bottle to Bible.. Bible frown and take the IV bottle then look at them and ask.. 'What is happening right now?' Bas sigh heavily and reply back.. 'Someone is trying to poison Apo... Did you see the IV liquid? Its already changed into another colour..' Lira then say.. 'This liquid already mix up with a poison..' Suddenly.. the nurse is come out from the emergency room and say.. 'Dr Perth! The patient is getting weaker!' Bible get up and about to go into the emergency room but got stop by Bas immediately.. Bas then say.. 'No.. Please Bible.. Please calm down.. You can't go in!' Bible ignore it and push Bas away and go into the room and hold Apo's hand tightly.. Bible then say.. 'Baby.. Please.. Please don't leave me! Please wake up! Apo that I know won't give up this easily right?Come on.. Apo.. Please wake up.. You need to fight!' Perth then reply back.. 'Mr Bible.. Please wait outside.. We will try to save his life.. Please pray for him..' Bas then pull Bible out from the room and make Bible to sit down..

Pong then say.. 'Actually.. Mr Apo have a chance to survive... But the chance is tiny.. He must stay here for 2 until 3 days.. for a further medical check up.. Our team will keep an eye on Mr Apo.. And as for you...I hope you will stay by his side.. Im sure you is the 1st person that he wants to see after he wake up later.. Please excuse me.. I have a work to do.. 'Pong bow and leave.. Bas then sit beside Bible and rub his back slowly and say..' Apo is a strong man Bible.. Im sure he will survive.. 'Lira slowly lean near the wall and try to remember about something again.. Bible then ask..' What are you thinking about? 'Lira shake her head and reply back..' Im very sure.. Someone is trying to kill Apo.. And you know very well who is the culprit is.. 'Bible squeeze his fist as he suddenly remember about Mile... Bas pat Bible shoulder and say..' Don't do anything Bible.. Stop focusing on something that's not so important.. The most important thing is Apo.. He really need you right now.. 'Bible cover his face and cry in silent..Dr Perth then come out from the emergency room and walk towards them and say..'Mr Bible.. We managed to safe Apo's life.. His condition are still weak.. And.. As for that.. Apo must stay here for 3 days.. Now... We will move him into a private ward.. Please follow us..' Bible then get up and see his beloved is already lay down on the stretcher and ready to be transfer into a private ward.. Bible.. Bas and Lira follow up from behind..

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