Chapter 4

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*Flashbacks end*

Bible pov...

Bible open his eyes as he feels someone is stroking his head... Bible then see Apo is already awake and look at him with an empty gaze... Bible smile and say.. 'Apo... You are awake...' Apo is about to get down from the bed but got stop by Bible... Apo then ask with a sad tone... 'Why... Why this thing can be happen to me? What did I do wrong?' I think Mile is correct... Im such a burden.. I will bring unfortune towards other people... Im a murderer! 'Bible hug Apo and say..'Shh..shh.. No phi.. You aren't like that... Please stop saying that hmm? I don't like to see you like this again ok?' Bible stroke Apo's head and say... Phi,everything that happen in this world.. must be a reason'..Apo frown and look at Bible... Bible chuckle and kiss Apo's cheek gently and reply back.. 'Well.. You should have a proper rest Phi.. I need to discuss something with my friend.. I promise.. I will come back again tomorrow..' Bible is about to walk away.. Apo quickly get down from his bed and hug Bible from behind and reply with a trembling voice..' N.. No.. Please.. Please don't leave me alone... I.. I don't want to be alone.... I.. Im afraid... 'Apo tighten the hugs around Bible waist... Bible slowly turn around and look at Apo with a full of love and say..' Phi.. I promise you I will.. Apo put his finger on Bible lips and shake his head slowly.. Give Bible a signal to stop talking... Bible chuckle and bring Apo towards him and ask....' What should I do with phi hmm? I can't kidnap you... 'Apo then reply back..' Please take me out from here.... I promise.. I will be good... 'Bible smile softly and kiss Apo's forehead then reply back..' I promise phi... After you getting better.. I will surely get you out of here... But.. Promise me.. You must listen to Dr Bas.. You don't have to be afraid.. Dr Bas is my friend.. 'Suddenly Dr Bas come towards Apo and about to touch his shoulders... Apo quickly push Bas's hands away and hide behind Bible and squeeze Bible's shirt... Apo then say..' P.. Please.. Chase him out...'Bible then look at Bas and ask..' Bas... Is there any solution?I didn't want Phi Apo to use a violent..'Bas whisper something towards Bible and leave the ward.. Bible stroke Apo's cheek gently and say.. Phi.. Lets go out for a while ok..'Apo nod gently while still hiding behind Bible.. Bible smile and reply back' No more Dr Bas.. He is already leave.. Now its just both of us.. Come on.. 'Bible slowly take Apo's hand and hold it tightly and walk out from the ward..

At Mile villa

Mile pov...

Mile seems to be speaking on the phone with someone..' Tomorrow.. Please come to my condo and meet me at 9.00 am.. I have a job for you JJ.. Make sure you come all alone.. Do you understand? JJ chuckle and say..' Dont worry Mr Mile.. I will see you tomorrow then'.. Mile smirk and hung up his phone and speak in his heart.. 'Apo.. Oh Apo.. What a poor man you are right now.. If you think I will let my younger brother to help you.. You are definitely wrong Apo.. Because in that hospital is where you belong.. And I will make sure you will die in that hospital as well.. Soon... You going to meet your parents 'Mile feel a bit shock as he feels a warm hug from behind.. Mile smile and say' my beloves.. You smell nice.. Really nice.. I can't wait to have another baby with a woman that I love now.. 'Nan smile and say..' Im ready my husband... 'Mile then start to do his' work' with Nan..

Back to the hospital..(Backyard)

Apo look around and frown then ask.. 'Erm.. What are we doing here?I want to go home.. I want to live with Phi Mile.. I want to... Apo suddenly stop talking as he see Bible's face.. Apo start to feel scared and walk backwards while Bible keep walking towards Apo until Apo accidentally fall on the bench.. Apo look at Bible with a tears start to fall out from his eyes.. Bible then kneel down in front of Apo.. Bible hold Apo's cheeks gently and touch their foreheads together and say.. 'Phi.. My belove Apo.. Listen to Bible na.. Phi Mile didn't want you to stay alive... He wants you to die phi...' Apo tremble in fear and shake his head and reply back.. 'N.. No.. Phi Mile isn't like that... Lie.. You telling me a lie... You are a liar...' Bible tears start to fall out from his eyes as well and take out something from his pocket and give it to Apo... Apo feel shock as he see Bible give him a small knife and ask..' W.. What is this... A.. K... Knife? 'Bible then say..' If you still consider me as a liar.. And you still believe that I tell you a lie... Just kill me now Apo Nattawin... Lira who is about to approach them feel shock..Lira quickly rush towards Dr Bas office and say.. 'Dr Bas! Dr Bas! Please help Mr Bible! He wants Apo to kill him! Please!' Bas sigh heavily and follow Lira to check on them... Bas and Lira suddenly stop walking and observe them from far... Lira is about to stop Apo but got stop by Bas immediately.. Bas look at Lira then shake his head and whisper..' Trust me Lira.. This is only Bible trick.. He just wants to test Apo.. Bible know very well.. Apo won't do that to him...

Apo pov..

Apo look at the small knife and then look at Bible deeply... Bible sigh heavily and take back the knife from Apo's hand and say.. 'Well.. Its already evening.. I must go home now.. I will come back again tomorrow'..Bible is about to walk away but feel a tight hug around his waist... Apo then reply back.. ' P.. Please d..dont..l..leave A.. Apo...' A soft cry start to come from Apo... Bible also feel the tears slowly fall out from his eyes...Bible turn around and hug his belove and say.. 'Shh... Shh.. Sweetheart.. Im sorry.. Please forgive Bible na.. Im truly sorry...'Bible kiss Apo's forehead for a long time while crying together with Apo...

Apo squeeze Bible shirt as he didn't want to let Bible out from his arms... Bible touch their foreheads and say..' I will take you out from here Phi...lets start a new life.. Just you and me.. I promise I will take care of you.. And.. I won't let Mile do anything to you.. If he dare enough... I will teach him a lesson..' Apo hug Bible even more as Apo start to feel comfortable.. Bas and Lira come towards them.. Bible then nod at Bas as he giving Bas a signal to inject Apo so that Apo will get more rest.. Bas take out the syringe and inject Apo slowly.. Apo then fall asleep in Bible arms.. Bible carry Apo with a bridal style and go back inside with Bas and Lira..

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