Chapter 11

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Apo pov...

Apo is enjoying a view... Suddenly feel shock as he hears someone is calling out for his name.. Apo turn around and see Bible is standing behind him... Apo then say with a slow voice.. 'B.. Bible...' Bible then walk towards Apo.. Apo walk backwards and about to run away but fail.. Bible quickly hug Apo from behind and say.. 'No.. Please don't.. Please don't run away from me baby.. Why are you running away from me hmm?' Apo then say.. 'P.. Please let me go Bible... Please let me dissappear from your life.. I don't want to be a burden for you and our family anymore... The reason why Im here is because of this.. I didn't want Mile to look for me... I had a nightmare about you and our baby.. You and our baby got killed... I.. I can't live like this anymore Bible.. Please let me go.. 'Apo feels his tears start to fall out from his eyes.... Bible pull Apo towards him and kiss Apo lips deeply.. Apo hug Bible's neck and deepens the kiss and say..' Go home... Please Bible... Please leave me alone.. 'Bible hug Apo tightly in his arms and say..' I will never let you go Apo.. No way... I already made a promise to take care of you..

Apo is about to speak but got stop by Bible.. Bible put his fingers on Apo lips.. Apo kiss Bible finger gently and say.. 'I feel like.. Im already recover now... I know who did it... I've heard everything Bible..' Bible then kiss Apo lips softly and stroke his cheek gently and say....its almost sunset... Your husband is tired.. Please pamper me' Bible then kiss Apo's earlobe and make Apo feel tickle... Apo then look at Bible and trace his face with his finger... Bible then suck Apo fingers and say.. 'I want you baby... Today.. tonight.. I want to be with you for the rest of my life...' Apo smile and say.. 'Lets go inside.. Its almost dark...' Bible nod and hold Apo hands tightly and walk with him... Both of them arrive at the villa and go inside... Apo then take Bible towards the room and say.. 'You should rest Bible.. You must feel tired right now..' Bible smile and hug Apo from behind and say.. 'Don't you dare to run away my wife...'Apo chuckle and ask..' How about we swim at the beach?Don't worry.. Its just both of us here... We can do what ever we want.. 'Bible then say...' Sweetheart... Once I mark you.. You will definitely belongs to me.. Please forget everything about Mile..'Apo kiss Bible lips softly and take him to walk towards the beach... Both of them stop walking as they already stand near the beach... Bible look at his beloved and ask..' Sweetheart.. Are you ready? If you aren't ready.. Its OK.. You can take a time as much as you want.... But don't make me wait for too long alright..' Bible kiss Apo's forehead for a long time and take off his clothes and put it on the bench while walk into the beach..

Apo hold his chest as he start to feel nervous.. Apo turn his gaze towards his man who is waiting for Apo to join him.. Apo smile and say.. 'I only belongs to you Bible.. And... I truly believe in you now... Im falling for you.. Please make me as yours...' Apo take off his clothes as well then put it on the bench then walk slowly towards the water and join Bible as well... Bible smile at Apo then say..' the moon is so beautiful tonight.. But not as beautiful as my beloved.. 'Apo smile and hug Bible neck then say..' Im ready.. my husband..'Bible kiss Apo's lips softly while gently lift Apo up while Apo wrap his legs around Bible's waist.. Bible then speak up again..' Are you ready to become one with me under this moonlight? 'Let this moonlight be our witness for tonight.. My Apo..' Apo kiss Bible lips deeply and say.. 'Im ready... Do it slowly na..' Bible nod as he start to thrust Apo gently.. Apo hiss in pain as Bible thrust again and again.. Apo then say.. 'its hurt Bible.. Mmmhh..'Bible stop his' work and quickly carry Apo with bridal style and walk into the house.. Bible put Apo slowly on their bed and continue thrusting Apo.. Apo then moan and say.. 'Aah.. Bible.. Please.. Slowly...'

Bible then reply back.. 'Shh.. Its OK sweetheart.. I will be gentle.. I promise..' Bible keep thrusting Apo again and again.. Apo then say.. 'B.. Bible.. Aaaah.. I..' Bible kiss Apo lips deeply and release it inside Apo twice and follow by Apo... Apo then lay down on the bed properly while Bible pull the blanket and cover them with a blanket.. Apo then put his head on Bible chest and ask.. 'What are you doing here hmm? I didn't want to burden you anymore... Theres no way I can repay all of your kindness towards me..' Bible kiss Apo lips softly and say... 'You already belongs to me now... I only regret one thing.. Im the one who should marry you Apo.. Not my older brother.. That useless guy is trying to kill you.. You were poison by Mile..He couldn't do it by himself so he asked someone else to do it for him.. That bastard never change.. 'Apo turn into silent and slowly turn his back facing Bible and close his eyes... Bible then move towards Apo and hug him from behind and say..' Have a sweet dreams na my wife.. 'Bible kiss Apo lips and cheek softly then say..' Have a sweet dreams na krub my beautiful wife.. 'Apo smile and fall asleep together with Bible..

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