Chapter 20

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Apo pov..

Apo still cover his hears even though Mile and Nan already left the hospital.. Bible look at Apo with a worry expression and say.. 'Sweetheart.. They already gone.. Lets go inside ok.. The doctor is waiting for us now..' Apo start to feel weak and say... 'Please.. Please hold me..' Bible help Apo to get up and give him a support to walk... Bible and Apo go into a room and sit down.. Dr Melinda smile at them and ask.. 'How are you doing today Apo?' Apo nod slowly and say.. 'Im doing good Dr Mellinda..' Dr Mellinda stare at Apo for a few minutes and reply back.. 'Very well then.. By any chance.. do you mind if I want to do a medical checkup on you again?' Apo once again nod and walk towards the bed then lay down.. Dr Mellinda lift up Apo's t shirt and start to scan and say...'This still early... Thats why you can't see anything yet.. Dr Mellinda then wipe the gel and help Apo to get down from the bed and say..' During in the 1st trimester.. You need be more alert about your condition.. You can't be too stress.. And as for Mr Bible.. Please make sure that Apo eat and drink properly.. And also.. please make sure Apo take a vitamins and milk.. It will help for a baby development.. 'Bible nod and say..' thank you so much Dr Mellinda'..Mellinda smile and take 2 box of milk with a vitamins and say..'This is for Apo.. He really need it.. Make sure he take it..' Apo smile and bow to Dr Mellinda... Dr Mellinda sigh slowly and her expression change all of a sudden.. Bible and Apo look at each other with a confuse expression.. Dr Mellinda then speak up.. 'About the couple who came here just now.. I truly feel sorry for them..' Bible frown and ask 'Are you talking about Mr Mile and Mrs Nan, Dr Mellinda?' Dr Mellinda nod and reply back.. 'Actually...its true that Mr Mile and Mrs Nan came here for a medical checkup.. The reason why Mrs Nan still can't get pregnant is because she is infertile..' Apo feel shock and ask back.. 'But.. how come?How could this thing happen to her?' Bible rub Apo's shoulder gently and say.. 'Please explain to us Dr Mellinda.. What happen to Nan? Dr Mellinda take a deep breath and say..' Actually.. based on Mrs Nan health record.. She have a few problems regarding about her infertility..

Dr Mellinda then continue.. 'Some of the symptoms consist such as an abnormal period.. ovulation problem and also blocked fallopian tube.. This can happen through the genetic as well.. I already suggest them to choose either surrogacy or adoption.. But Mr Mile seems aren't please with the suggestion.. 'Bible scoff and reply back..' You think someone as selfish as Mile would be agree about this kind of matter? My brother is always like that... The reason why Im with Apo is because of him.. Apo lost his baby.. Mile molested Apo until Apo was sent to the mental hospital...Luckily Mile divorced Apo.. 'Mr Mellinda shake her head and say..' I really hope that you will take a good care of Apo, Mr Bible.. He and the baby need you the most right now.. 'Bible nod and bow then say..' once again.. thank you very much.. We will go now.. 'Bible and Apo get up and about to walk towards the door.. Dr Mellinda then say...' I just want to give you a bit of advice.. If you meet Mr Mile and Mrs Nan.. just pretend you never know both of them.. This is for Apo and the baby.. I will see you both again..' Bible and Apo bow then leave..

Bible hold Apo hands and ask.. 'Are you strong enough to walk? Apo then look at Bible and frown.. Bible stroke Apo's head gently and say..' I want to take you back to our family house.. Ma and Pa must be happy to see you again.. Plus, I can't wait to share about this baby news to them later..' Apo smile and say.. 'Lets go back then.. I feel tired right now..' Bible hold Apo's hand and then take him to the car.. Bible then start up his car and drive back to his family house..

At Sumettikul family house..

John and Mia are busy in the kitchen.. Suddenly.. Thong come towards them along with Lily and say..' Ma.. Pa.. Mile and Nan is here..' John then ask.. 'Oh..they are here? Please ask them to come in.. We will finish this within 5 minutes..' Thong nod and say.. Lily.. you should help Grandpa and grandma ok? 'Lily nod and help them in the kitchen while Thong welcoming them to come in.. Mile then sit down in the living room with Nan.. Nan still didn't speak after they returned from the hospital.. Mia then approach them and ask..' How are you two doing hmm? And Mile.. Why are you looking very upset? Is there something happen?' Mile scoff angrily and reply back.. 'Don't ask me Ma.. Ask this woman..' While pointing out to his wife.. Nan suddenly kneel infront of Mia and say.. 'Ma.. Please forgive me.. I can't give you an heir! Im infertile!' Thong and Mia feel shock while looking at Mile and Nan.. John who is standing near the kitchen then ask.. 'What.. What did you just say?...'Mia quickly walk towards John and support him before John faint.. Thong then ask..' Are you very sure Nan? 'Mile then reply back..' We just return from the hospital phi Thong.. Why would we lie about it?! '

Bible pov..

Bible and Apo already arrives at their family house.. Apo then noticed there's a car that already park in front of the gate and ask..' Sweetheart.. Whose car is that? 'Bible then turn his gaze and feel shock then say..' Baby.. We can come here by tomorrow or the next day.. This is Mile's car.. I can't let him and Nan see you here.. Lets go back now... Remember what Dr Mellinda told you just now.. 'Bible is about to start driving again but got stop by Apo.. Apo shake his head and say..' As long as you are here with me.. I will be fine.. just stay close to me will you, my sweetheart? 'Bible sigh slowly and say..' But.. You heard what the doctor say.. 'Apo smile and stroke Bible's cheek and reply back..' Just stay close to me Bible.. Thats all I ask.. Just act normal.. We can't hide like this forever.. I know this time will definitely come.. 'Bible then say..' If this is what you want then fine.. Don't talk to him.. Only answer if he ask.. 'Apo nod and get out from the car with Bible and go inside the house..

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