Chapter 14

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After 25 minutes of driving.. Bible and Apo finally arrive at Bible house... Apo feel shock as he see Bible house.. Bible then get out from his car and take Apo with him then go inside the house... Apo then look around the house with an awe and ask.. 'Honey.. Is this your house? Why it is located near the forest?' Bible hug Apo from behind and say.. 'Well.. This place are safe for both of us sweetheart.. Like I said before.. Mile never come here..he doesn't even know this house are exist.. Mom and dad with phi Thong.. Share their money together and bought this house for me.. Soon, this house will be your house too.. After we get marry.. We going to live here..'Apo smile softly and hug Bible tightly then kiss his lips softly.. Bible then ask with a tease..' Only a kiss hmm?'Apo hit Bible chest and walk away from him as Apo start to feel embarrass.. Bible laugh then follow Apo from behind.. Apo then walk towards the kitchen and say..' Wow.. This kitchen is really big.. 'Bible then say..' Let me check either we still have an ingredients to cook or not.. 'Bible then walk towards the fridge and open it then see most of the ingredients is already expired..

Apo look at Bible then ask..' Shall we go to supermarket and buy some stuff hmm? 'Im really hungry..' Bible pull Apo to come towards him and hug his tiny waist then touch their foreheads and ask.. 'Honey... Can I just eat you instead?' Apo smile and kiss Bible lips softly and say.. 'Eating me won't make you feel better sweetheart... Don't worry na krub.. I will be careful.. Besides.. I really need a fresh air right now..' Bible stroke Apo's head gently and say..' Wait here ok?'Apo nod and wait at the kitchen while Bible go upstairs to take something.. Bible then return to the kitchen and give Apo a cap, mask and specs...Bible then say..' Everytime.. When we going out.. Please wear those stuff.. With this.. Mile won't recognize you.. I can't let him to see you.. Either him or Nan..' Apo nod and wear the cap, mask and spec.. Bible smile and say.. 'Alright honey.. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some stuff.. We gonna cook together after this..' Apo smile and follow Bible towards his car and go to the supermarket..

At Nan family house..

Mile pov..

Mile is sitting together with his parents in law at the table... Nan then come towards Mile and putt the plate in front of him.. Nan is about to put a rice on his plate but got stop by Mile.. Mile then say.. 'No need to do it.. I can do it by myself..' Nan nod her head and let Mile to do it by himself.. Nan's mom noticed something is wrong with Mile and suddenly ask.. 'Mile.. What's wrong hmm? Why are you act cold towards your wife?' Mile smile softly and deny it then say.. 'Well.. Please do not misunderstanding me mom.. I just didn't want to burden Nan..' Nan's dad then say.. 'We want you to give us an heir as soon as possible.. Because.. All of my assets will inherit by my grandchild.. Please take care of my daughter Mile.. You should take her to the hospital for medical check up..' Nan suddenly interrupt and say.. 'I already made a pregnancy test.. But the result is negative Dad.. Please give us for 2 days.. And.. I will make sure.. Within those 2 days.. I will ge a positive result..' Nan bow her head as she is trying to avoid her husband gaze.. Mile clear his throat then reply back..' Please give us a time Pa.. Don't force us too much.. 'Mile roll his eyes and speak in his heart..' Why this old man want to give his assets to his grandchild? What about me? I also have a share in his company since I was married to his daughter... 'Nan' s mom then reply back.. 'Always take care of your self Nan.. Don't stress yourself too much ok? Always pray to God.. By so.. God will ease everything for you both na kha..' Mile then get up and say.. 'I need to take some fresh air..' Mile then leave the table and sit outside to refresh his mind.. While Nan continue eating with her parents..

At the supermarket..

Bible and Apo are busy with the shopping.. Suddenly.. Bible phone buzz and see Bas name on the screen.. Bible pick up the phone and say.. 'Hello Bas.. What's up?' Bas then reply...'Bible.. How are you doing? Ive heard from Dr Perth that Apo is missing.. Have you found him?' Bible chuckle and reply back.. 'Well.. Of course I did.. Apo is here with me and right now we are at the supermarket..' Bas breath out of relief and say.. 'I will come to your house later.. I need to do a medical checkup on Apo.. I will see you later ok?' Bible then reply back.. 'Alright... Lets meet later..' Bible hung up his phone and look at Apo then ask.. 'Sweetheart.. are you done? We must hurry up because Bas said he will come to our house later to do a medical checkup on you..' Apo nod and reply back 'Yes.. Im already done..Lets go to the counter and pay..' Bible then carry the basket and pay for the stuff.. Both of them leave the supermarket and return to Bible house..

At Bible house..

Bible and Apo go inside the house while carrying the stuff and walk to  the kitchen.. Apo put the stuff on the kitchen table and ask.. 'Is there anything you want to eat today?Chef Apo will cook for today..' Bible chuckle and kiss Apo lips slowly and say.. 'Just leave it to me.. And before I forget..' Bible suddenly open the cupboard and take out the bartender set and show it to Apo.. Apo then smile sweetly and say.. 'Baby.. You still remember about my skill..' Bible nod then prepare the ingredients and start to cook while Apo is using those bartender set to make a strawberry cocktail.. As both of them are busy... Suddenly.. Theres a door bell rings.. Apo then say.. 'let me go and open it..' Bible smile and continue cooking.. Apo then walk towards the front door and open it then see Dr Bas.. Dr Bas smile at Apo and say.. 'Sawadeekap Apo..' Apo bow and reply back.. 'Yes.. Sawadeekap.. Please do come in..' Bas smile once again and come into the house.. Apo then say.. 'Im sorry.. Bible is in the kitchen..' Bas shake his head and reply back.. 'Don't worry Apo.. Lets go to the kitchen.. I will help you both to prepare the table..' Bas then put his stuff aside and walk towards the kitchen with Apo and start to prepare the table..

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