Chapter 13

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At Sumettikul family house..

Mrs Sumettikul is preparing the food on the table while Mr Sumettikul is busy playing with Lily.. Thong who is helping his mom suddenly stop as he see Bible car.. Thong then say.. 'Ma.. Pa.. Bible is back! Mr Sumet and his wife then look at outside and notice Bible is with someone and ask..' Its seems.. Bible bring someone with him.. But who is that man? Lets go and found out.. 'Thong.. along with his mom and dad go out then approach Bible.. Thong then ask..' Bible.. You are back.. Are you ok hmm? Who is that man?'..Bible smile and open the car door to let Apo out from the car.. Thong.. Mom and Dad feel shock as he see Apo is standing in front of them alive.. Mrs Sumettikul.. (Mia) slowly touch his son in law face and ask..'My son in this really you hmm?' Apo hug Mia then reply back.. 'Yes Ma.. This is me.. Apo Nattawin..' Mia then cry while hugging his beloved son in law.. Mr Sumettikul (John).. Also approach Apo and give him a warm tight hug and say.. 'Welcome back to this house, my son in law..' Apo bow his head and quickly hug his brother in law as well.. Thong hug Apo tightly and say.. 'Apo... We really miss you na! Thank Godness you are alright!' Apo let go of his brother in law then say.. 'Well.. Im still here because of Bible..' Apo smile softly and hold Bible hands tightly..'Lily suddenly run out from the house and yell with excitement..' Uncle Apo! 'Apo  hug Lily and kiss her head and say..' Hello there little princess.. 'Lily then ask..'Uncle Apo.. Where have you been? We all miss you..' Bible chuckle and ask with a tease..'Don't you miss your Uncle hmm?' Lily hug Bible as well then say...'Of course I miss you too Uncle Bible..' Mia hold Apo's hand then take him to go into the house.. Apo smile softly and look around the house then say.. 'Nothing is change about this house Ma..'

Mia pull Apo to sit beside her and ask.. 'What happen to you hmm? Please explain to us so that we can understand everything..' Thong then reply back.. 'Well.. Bible told us that Mile used  someone to poison you.. Is it true?' Apo nod slowly and answers back.. 'Yes phi Thong.. Its true.. Mile used someone to kill me when I was at mental hospital..' Bible then ask 'By any chance.. Does Mile come here to visit?' Mr John shake his head and say.. 'Not anymore my son.. Since Mile and Nan already married.. Mile never come and visit us.. And also.. for your information..Mile is handling his father in law business right now..' Mia then reply back.. 'There's no sign that Nan will give us a grandchildren too.. We really hope that you both can give us a grandchildren as well..' Bible smile and pat his mom shoulder gently and say.. 'When the time comes... Mile and Nan will give you a grandchildren.. Lily also grown up without a love from her mother..' Apo is about to ask but got cut off by Bible.. 'Lily' s mother already passed away right after she gave birth to Lily.. She had a complications during the birth.. 'Apo then pull Lily towards him and say..' Uncle hope that.. Lily will be a good girl na krub.. Always listen to your father.. Uncle always be here for you.. 'Lily smile sweetly and hug Apo then reply back..' I love you too Uncle Apo.. Thank you for coming back to us.. 'Thong then ask again..' Where are you going after this Bible? Bible then answers.. 'I will take Apo back to my house.. Mile never go there before.. My house isn't like this house... What I mean is.. My house is secretive.. No need to hide all the time..' Mr John then say.. 'Well.. I can feel you have something more to say..' Everyone is looking at Bible and Apo.. Bible smile then say.. 'I want to ask for a blessings... I want marry Apo.. Small ceremony is already more than enough..' Thong hug his little brother and say.. 'Im so proud of you Bible.. Please take care of Apo na..' Bible then look at them with a serious expression and say.. 'I don't know why but.. I feel that Mile wedding with Nan is just a game...I feel like...Mile never love Nan..' Apo frown and ask.. 'Sweetheart.. What are you talking about hmm?' Bible touch Apo's cheek gently and say.. 'Up until now.. Nan isn't pregnant yet.. What if she is infertile? If my prediction is true..We must be careful of Mile.. Because.. Mile also can torture his wife just like how he did towards Apo before..' All of them feel shock as they hear those words.. Apo then say..' I also feel a same thing.. Mile can become violent if he didn't get what he wants.. 'Bible smirk and say..' Well.. Karma will return to him baby.. Trust me.. 'Mia then say..' Enough is enough Bible.. You should go back home with your belove.. Apo look very tired.. 'Apo smile and reply back..' We will come here to visit you guys again.. 'Lily look at them with a sad expression and ask..' But why? Lily still want Uncle Bible and Uncle Apo to stay here with us.. 'Thong hug his daughter and say..' Lily dear.. Uncle Apo is still sick... He must stay with Uncle Bible so that Uncle Bible can take care of Uncle Apo.. When Uncle Apo is fully recover.. You can play with uncle Apo again.. 'Lily hug Apo then say..' Please come here again na kha Uncle Apo.. 'Apo kiss Lily forehead and say..' Yes my dear..of course Uncle will come here again.. 'Bible then get up while holding Apo's hand and say..' Ma.. Pa.. Phi.. Lily.. We must go now.. Im afraid.. We will meet Mile... Apo is not ready to meet Mile and Nan yet.. 'Thong nod and say..' We understand Bible.. Off you go now.. 'Bible and Apo bow and leave the house and return to Bible house..

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