Chapter 21

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Apo pov..

Apo take a deep breath and go into the house then see his family is talking to Mile and Nan.. Thong turn around and feel shock to see Bible and Apo already arrived.. Thong give Mia a signal to distract Mile and Nan.. Mia then say.. 'Enough with the conversation.. Let's have a lunch together...' Mile walk lazily towards the kitchen follow up by Nan.. Thong then drag Bible and Apo outside of the house and ask.. 'What the hell are you both doing here?!' Apo cover Thong's mouth and reply back.. 'Please slow down your voice phi Thong.. They might hear you.. Thong then say..' You guys should go home before those 2 see you right here.. 'Apo sigh slowly and say..' Phi.. The reason why we are here because we want to meet Pho and Mae.. Besides, Bible is here with me.. Im going to be fine..I promise you phi Thong.. 'Lily run towards Bible and Apo then give them a warm hug and say..' Lily miss Uncle Bible and Uncle Apo na kha.. 'Apo kiss Lily's head and say.. Lets go inside'.. Apo then carry Lily in his arms.. Bible then shake his head and go inside with Thong...

Apo put Lily to sit on the sofa and say.. 'You can continue playing sweetie.. Phi Thong.. Please stay here.. Lets go Bible..' Bible hold Apo's hand tight and walk towards the kitchen and see..Mile and Nan with his parents are still eating.. Apo take a deep breath and say.. 'Sawadeekap.. Pho.. Mae..' Mile stop eating as he hear the familiar voice that come right from behind.. Nan turn around and feel shock to see Apo and Bible.. Apo smirk at Nan then say.. 'Hello my sister in law and hello to you.. my brother in law..' While put his hand on Mile's shoulder.. Mile look at Apo then quickly stand up.. Mile then ask.. 'H.. How come you are still alive?!' Nan look at Apo with disgust expression and say.. 'This guy really cut off my appetite.. Lets go back home baby..' Mile scoff and reply back.. 'Don't be too excited Nan.. Because Im going to teach you a lesson!' Nan then avoid Mile's gaze and about to escape from the kitchen.. Mile pull Nan's hair and throw her on the floor then yell.. 'Don't you dare to leave this house without my permission you bitch!' Bible then ask.. 'What the hell is wrong with you phi Mile?!' Mile push Bible away then reply back with a harsh tone.. 'None of your business!' Apo then push Mile away from Bible then yell back.. 'Enough is enough Mile Phakphum!Don't you dare to touch my man! Not even single of his hair!' Mile smirk and say.. 'Wow.. This crazy guy are really good in talking back huh?!' Apo then smirk and say.. 'I think you should tell them the truth about what you had done to me 1 year ago Mile.. And.. Im not afraid of you now.. I know you hired someone to kill me when I was in hospital.. You hate me that much until you decided to get rid of me.. What did I do wrong Mile? You even cheated on me with this woman when I was pregnant with your baby!'

Bible quickly hold Apo to calm him down.. Apo then continue..' What kind the man are you Mile? How could you did this to me? If you want to saperate from me.. You should just ask! But what have you done? You molested me until I became crazy.. I was sent to mental hospital because of you!And do you have any idea about what the fucking hell that I've been through?!! 'Apo look at Mile with anger... Thong then say..' This isn't a perfect time to argue! You both should go home! Bible.. Please take Apo back!' Apo then say..' If you hate Nan because she was in infertile.. just divorce her.. Don't do anything to her.. If I know.. I will kill you.. And as for you Nan.. Jeff is here because he is looking for you.. I think you better leave this crazy guy and start a new relationship with Jeff.. Because.. I believe that Jeff will treat you better than him.. 'While pointing out to Mile..' Mile is about to pull Apo but immediately got stop by Bible.. Bible then kick Mile's leg and yell.. 'Stay away from him bastard! Apo is mine and will be forever mine! We going to get marry soon.. So please distance yourself from him! Lets go sweetheart..' Bible take Apo out from his parents house and return to his house..

At Bible house...

Bible pov..

As soon as they arrives.. Bible then take Apo to the kitchen and give him a plain water.. Apo then take it and drink it slowly... Bible then hold Apo's hand gently while look at him with a worry expression.. Apo put the glass on the table and say.. 'Don't worry my husband.. Im fine..' Bible pull Apo to get up and say.. 'Lets go upstairs ok.. You need to rest...' Apo quickly hug Bible's neck and stare into his eyes.. Bible stroke Apo's cheek gently and ask.. 'Are you hungry hmm?' Apo shake his head and ask back.. 'Are you angry at me?' Bible kiss Apo's lips while his hand start to squeeze Apo's butt.. Apo moan softly and deepen their kiss.. Apo's hand also start to massage Bible's back neck.. Bible put his hand inside Apo's pants and start to play with it.. Apo moan and say..' Aaaah.. Baby.. Mmmhh... Please... More...' Bible smirk and take Apo into the bathroom near the kitchen.. Bible then push Apo towards the wall and take off his pants and boxer.. Apo then take turn to take off Bible pants as well.. Apo smile softly while his hand also busy playing with Bible's.... Bible moan in pleasure while wrap Apo's legs around his waist and say... 'I can't wait to marry you Mr Nattawin.. But now.. Let's enjoy this first hmm..' Apo hug Bible's neck and say.. 'Please...aaaah... I can't hold it anymore.. Please touch me...' Bible kiss Apo's forehead and reply.. 'As you wish.. my wife...'Bible thrust Apo gently.. Apo kiss Bible' s neck and moan heavily ... Aaaah... Aaaah.. Baby.. Mmmhh'.. Apo tears fall out from his eyes as he start to feel pain.. Bible kiss Apo's lips deeply and wipe his tears away and say.. 'Don't cry my love.. You gonna be fine..' Apo put his hand inside Bible's tshirt and start rubbing his back body... Bible keep thrusting Apo again and again until Apo start to feel tired... Apo then stroke Bible's head gently and say.. 'Im tired...'Bible smile and slowly put Apo legs back down and kneel infront of Apo.. Apo smile softly as he understand what is Bible going to do next..Bible hug Apo's waist and suck Apo' s junior gently... Apo start to enjoy it and press Bible's head and say...'Aaaah...this is really nice.. Mmmhh..your warm mouth are feel really nice...' Bible smirk down there and suck more... Apo's cum start to fill Bible mouth... Bible swallow everything and wash his mouth.. Bible continue to play with Apo's junior and say..'You are mine sweetheart.. Only mine.. I won't let that Mile to have you again..' Apo kiss Bible lips deeply and say.. 'lets shower together and rest after this..' Bible kiss Apo's nose and turn on the shower and shower together.. After 10 minutes later.. Both of them come out with a bathrobe and go upstairs to rest..

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