Chapter 26

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At the hospital..

Thong pov..

Thong arrive at the hospital and quickly carry Bible out from the car and yell.. 'Someone! Please help me!' A few nurse and doctor rush towards Bible and help Thong to put him on the stretcher.. The doctor then say.. 'We must take him to emergency room..' Mia cry while hugging her little Lily... A few minutes later.. Jeff and John arrive as well.. 'Thong run towards them and help Jeff to take Apo out from the car.. Then, 2 nurse and another doctor come towards them and take Apo for a medical checkup since Apo is pregnant.. John then give Bible' s phone to Thong and say... 'Thong... Please.. Please call Dr Bas.. Ask him to come here now..' Jeff hug Mia and rub his aunt back body then say.. 'Please be patient and calm down.. everything will be ok..'Mia hide her face towards her nephew chest and sobbing even more... Thong take Bible's phone and call Bas and tell him what happen... Suddenly.. 2 doctor come towards them and give them a sympathy expression.. Dr Melinda (Apo' s personal doctor) pat Mia's shoulder gently and say.. 'Im truly sorry madam.. Sir.. But.. Unfortunately.. Apo lost his baby... His pregnancy is really weak.. Its just 2 months.. I hope you will be patient.. Right now.. Apo is still unconscious... Maybe in a few minutes.. He will wake up.. Excuse me..' Dr Melinda then walk away.. While the other doctor take a deep breath and say..' Im really sorry.. We couldn't save Mr Bible's life.. 'Jeff quickly hug Thong and calm him down.. Right now.. we must prepare for Mr Bible funeral.. A few minutes later.. Bas and Lira arrive and run towards them.. Bas notice all of them crying.. Lira hug Mia then say..' Please don't cry... Lets go and visit Apo first..' Bas sigh heavily and ask.. 'How could this happen? We were just witnessed their wedding.. but why both of them are here now?.. Jeff get up and walk towards the reception table and ask..' Where is Mr Apo Nattawin's ward?' The nurse then reply back..' Mr Apo is on the 5th floor.. Same level with Mr Bible's ward.. Mr Apo's ward number is 1356 while Mr Bible ward number is 1358..'Thong also get up and say..' Lets go and visit Apo first.. We must tell him the truth.. 'All of them go inside the elevator.. The elevator reach on the 5th floor.. Jeff see the doctor who is just coming out from Apo' s ward and ask.. 'How is Apo? Is he awake?' The doctor then nod and reply back... 'He is just awake..'

Jeff nod and walk towards to Apo's ward and open the door slowly... Mia then see Apo is staring at the window with an empty gaze... Lily run towards Apo and shake his hand and say.. 'Uncle Apo.. Please don't be sad na...' Jeff then stand beside Apo and say.. 'Apo.. there's something we need to tell you..' Apo start crying even before Jeff could explain.. Jeff hug Apo and calm him down then say.. 'Its ok Apo.. Its ok.. You must be strong.. Bible is already in better place now.. Your baby as well.. Apo sobbing even more and hug Jeff tight... Jeff kiss Apo's forehead and say...'Lets go and meet Bible for the last time' Apo shake his head weakly and say.. 'Let me die Jeff... I have no reason to live anymore... God always being cruel to me.. Why.. What have I done until I deserve all this?' Mia then hug Apo as well and say.. 'Apo my dear.. Please don't say that such of things.. Its not your fault.. Its God destiny... We want to meet Bible.. Jeff.. Stay here with him..' Jeff nod and stay with Apo..

Meanwhile in Bible's ward..

Thong then open the door slowly and feel his world turn into dark as he see his lifeless little brother laying on the bed... Bas shake his head and say..'Please tell me this is just a dream Bible..' Please wake up now! 'Lira hold Bas and shake her head.. giving him a signal to stop doing that.. John kiss Bible's forehead and say.. Rest in peace my beloved son... We gonna miss you so much..' John look away while crying.. Mia then hug her son and sobbing again.. Thong pull his mother towards him and say..' Shh.. Ma.. Please don't.. Please don't do this.. Please... 'Thong cry hard and see Jeff and Apo come in.. Apo about to fall but got hold by Jeff immediately... Lily hug her father and cry as well without saying any words..Apo then say while crying'.. If I knew this would happen... I won't marry you Bible.... Why you must leave me.... Who is going to be my light after this.... Please wake up... Jeff.. Please wake me up from this dream will you? Im sure.. this is not true! Please tell me this is not true! 'Apo shake Bible body and kneel on the floor.. Lira crying and say..' Apo.. You need to be strong.. 'Jeff put his hands on Apo cheek while crying as well then say..' Apo.. Apo.. Please look at me.. Can you feel my hands on your cheek now? 'Apo look at Jeff deeply and cry.. Jeff then say..' Apo.. You must let him go.. If you keep doing this.. It will hunt you forever... 'Apo cry hard and shake Bible and say..' Please! Please don't leave me alone! 'Jeff hug Apo in his arms and calm him down..Dr then come to Bible ward and say..' Im sorry.. But we must take him away.. When everything is done.. We will return him to you' Apo then yell.. 'No! You better shut up!No one can take Bible from me! Do you hear me?!' Jeff quickly hold Apo and say.. 'Shh.. Its OK.. Please.. You can't be like this Apo.. He is suffering..' Apo is struggling in Jeff's arms as he see the nurse start to push Bible's bed away.. Apo then yell.. 'No! Bible!' Jeff hug Apo tight and kiss his forehead and say.. 'We must prepare for the funeral..' All of them nod and leave Bible's ward...

Meanwhile... theres another doctor who is in the rush to treat another patient accidentally hit Bible's stretcher and say.. 'Please forgive me my dear God..'The doctor..(Michael) is about to fix the white sheet on Bible' s body suddenly stop as he feels Bible's breath even his condition is really weak.. Dr Michael then use his stethoscope to detect Bible's heart beat and feel shock then say.. 'My dear God.. this man are still alive.. His heart beat are still here even its really slow.. His pulse also still here... Who could do this to you Bible?..Don't worry Bible.. I promise.. I will try my best to save you from those bad people!' Dr Michael put Bible body on another stretcher and take another body to replace Bible body.. The doctor then take Bible away from that hospital and move Bible to another hospital..

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