Chapter 35

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At the hospital (Bible's ward)

Bible pov

In Bible's dreams...

Bible is walking at the garden that fill with orchid flowers.. Bible touch the orchid and smile softly.. Bible suddenly feel someone touch his shoulders.. Bible turn around and see Apo is standing in front of him with a sad smile on his face.. Bible touch Apo's cheek gently and ask.. 'Sweetheart.. what's wrong hmm? Why you look so sad?'Apo then reply back..' Im truly sorry my husband.. But I must leave.. I didn't belong here anymore.. 'Apo avoid Bible' s gaze and cry in silence.. Bible wipe Apo's tears gently and ask back.. 'But why sweetheart? Did I do something wrong?' Apo shake his head and try to smile then answers back.. 'No.. You didn't do anything wrong... But.. I feel like Im not good enough for you.. I want to see you happy... Its already enough for me..' Bible hold Apo's hand tightly and say.. 'My love.. You are my happiness.. I can't even live without you.. I know I already made you suffer.. Im truly sorry.. Im begging you.. Please don't leave me..' Bible start crying and kneel infront of Apo.. Apo wipe his tears and say.. 'Please live well and be happy.. Farewell..' Apo walk away from Bible and dissappear.. 'Bible cry and yell..' No! Apo! Please come back! Please don't leave me! '
    *Dream end *

Bible suddenly wake up and hold his chest... Bible then say..' Apo.. Apo.. My wife.. No.. You can't leave me.. I won't let you to leave me.. 'Bible hold his head and take off the IV from his hands and quickly walk towards the bathroom and take a shower.. Bible then dry his body and wear his clothes..  Bible is about to go out then see the nurse is coming towards him and ask..' Mr Alex? Where are you going? You still need to rest..' Bible shake his head and say.. 'No.. Im not Alex.. But Im Bible!Please get out of my way.. I need to go and find my wife!' Bible push the nurse away and escape from the hospital...

At Sumettikul family house..

Thong pov..

Thong is about to leave the house with John.. Mia and Lily.. John frown as he suddenly see a taxi stop in front of his house.. Mia then ask..' Thong.. Who is that? Are you inviting your friend to come here?' Thong shake his head and reply back.. 'No.. Of course not Ma..' Lily run towards the gate and open it as she see Bible come out from the taxi... Thong feel shock and ask.. 'Alex? What are you doing here?' Bible look at his family while crying then run towards Thong and give  him a tight hug and say.. 'Phi.. Its me.. Im not Alex.. Im your younger brother! Im Bible Wichapas Sumettikul!' John and Mia look at each other with a shock expression.. Lily hug Bible tightly and say.. 'Uncle Bible! Uncle is back!' Bible carry Lily in his arms and kiss her cheeks and ask.. 'My little Lily... How are you doing hmm?' Lily kiss Bible cheek as well and nod happily.. Mia cry and hug her son and say.. 'Bible.. Bible my son.. You are back!' Bible hug his mother tightly and rub her back gently and reply back.. 'Yes ma.. Im back.. Bible then hug John as well.. John pat Bible' s back body and ask.. 'How are you doing hmm? What are you doing here? How come you are here?' Bible then look at them and say.. 'Pa.. Ma.. Phi Thong.. Im truly sorry.. But I can't explain much.. I must look for Apo.. My wife is waiting for me.. I will tell you guys everything later..' Bible bow and get back into the taxi and say.. 'Sir.. Please take me back to my house.. The driver nod and drive away.. Thong then say..' I hope both of them will be fine.. 'Mia nod and reply back..' Lets go inside and wait for them.. 'Thong.. Mia John and Lily go back inside and wait for Bible and Apo to come home..

Apo pov...

Apo finally arrive at the airport.. Apo then take out his luggage and see Jeff also come out from another taxi.. Apo then approach Jeff and ask..' Jeff? What are you doing here?' Are you going somewhere for a vacation? 'Jeff smile and say..' No Apo.. I will leave for good.. I mean.. I will stay in Los Angeles.. I don't know when I will come back.. And... Seeing you here.. I could ask you a same thing then... Lets go inside shall we... I will buy a ticket for you.. 'Apo then say..' Please buy a flight ticket to New York.. 'Jeff nod while Apo decide to take a sit.. Apo suddenly feel his chest become heavy and tears start to fall out from his eyes.. Apo speak in his heart..' Bible.. I really miss you right now.. I really hope that you will be fine by your own.. '

Bible pov..

Bible finally arrives at his house and say.. 'Sir.. Please wait here for a while..' Bible then get out from the taxi and press the bell... Bible keep pressing on the bell but no one come out from the house.. 'Suddenly.. Bible neighbour come out and ask..' Oh.. Bible.. You are back.. I heard that you were involved in accident with Apo.. 'Bible hold his head and nod then reply..' Yes.. Its true... Erm.. By the way.. Have you seen Apo? 'I press the bell but no one come out..' The neighbour then reply back.. 'Speaking about Apo.. Actually.. he already left this house 10 minutes ago.. I saw him with a luggage.. I think he is going to live in oversea..' Bible feel his world suddenly turn into dark and mumble.. 'No.. I can't be.. No.. Please don't leave me Apo... I won't allow it..' Bible then get into the taxi again and say.. 'Please take me to the airport now..' The taxi driver then drive away to the airport.. Bible then speak in his heart.. 'Apo.. Im sorry.. Please don't leave me...'Bible cry in silent as his mind start to think about Apo..

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