Chapter 27

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The next day at the funeral...

Thong and others already finish with their prayer... Suddenly.. JJ and Nan come towards them and recite the prayer as well.. Nan then put the flower on Bible's grave and say.. My deepest condolences to you Mr John and Mrs Mia.. JJ then say.. 'Bible is such a nice man.. but God has a different plan for him..' Thong pat JJ shoulder and say.. 'Thank you for coming.. Where is Mile?' Nan then reply back.. 'I don't know.. Me and Mile already saperated.. I never heard anything from him since then..' How is Apo phi? Is he ok? 'Mia then reply back..' Apo is at Bible's house..he refused to come here.. He still in shock.. 'JJ sigh heavily and ask back..' Then, what about Jeff? 'Mr John then say..' Jeff is with Apo right now.. Jeff said.. he wants to take care of Apo.. 'Nan nod slowly and say..' At very least.. Jeff is there with Apo.. Right now.. everything is depend on Apo.. Let his heart decide.. 'Thong clear his throat and say..' Well.. You both look good together.. Im truly sorry on Mile's behalf.. 'JJ then reply back..' Im sorry because I also get involved.. I was really stupid.. I was hungry over the money.. 'John pat JJ back body and say..' Humans never miss from doing any mistake.. We aren't perfect.. But we can learn from it.. Not run from it'..Mia then say.. 'Nan.. Please forgive my son..I really hope that one fine day.. Mile will change to become a good man..' Thong carry Lily in his arms and ask back.. 'So.. Whats your plan Nan?'JJ then reply back..' We will move to America with Nan's parents and start a new life there.. Maybe we will ready for a new relationship..'Thong smile at them and say..' We wish you all the best.. Have a save journey.. 'Nan bow and say..' Thank you very much Phi.. Please send our regards to Apo.. We will go now.. 'JJ and Nan bow and leave the cemetery area.. Mia stroke Bible' s tombstone and say 'My son.. We will go back now.. Rest in peace na kha..' Well gonna miss you very much.. I will take care of Apo for you.. I promise.. We promise.. Farewell my beloved son.. 'All of them leave the cemetery.. Mile who is hiding behind the tree suddenly appear and walk towards Bible's grave and say..' You deserve this Bible.. I know Im alone right now.. At very least.. I don't have any competitor anymore.. Hope you will rot in hell.. my beloved brother..' Mile smirk evilly and leave.. Mile is about to walk but stop as he feels blood coming out from his nose.. Mile quickly wipe it and leave..

At Bible' s house...

Apo pov..

Apo is standing near the balcony while enjoying the view... Apo then speak in his heart.. 'Bible.. How are you doing up there hmm' I feel really lonely even your cousin is here with me.. Yes.. Jeff is here with me right now.. He...always take care of me... I truly appreciate it.. His sweet behaviour really remind me of you.. I hope.. In another next life.. We will see each other again.. I don't know either Im able to open my heart for another person.. Its impossible Bible.. I know this sounds really selfish but.. I hope you will have a doppelganger or twin.. I think it will be better rather than I have to fall in love with another person.. Please take care of your self Bible.. I hope you will find a peace up there.. 'Apo feel shock as he feels Jeff hands on his shoulder.. Apo then look at him with a sad eyes and say..' Im sorry Jeff.. I can't forget him.. I still feel that.. Bible is here with us.. 'Jeff then give Apo a water and say..' Drink this first.. 'Apo then take a glass and drink it slowly and say..' I feel like I want to end my life Jeff.. I don't feel like I want to live here anymore.. Everything that I do.. Its always remind me to him.. 'Jeff pull Apo towards him and kiss Apo's forehead gently and say..' Im right here Apo.. Im with you.. You don't have to worry anymore.. No one is going to hurt you..I know I should be with Nan right now.. but the most important thing right now is you Apo.. Nan already found a right man... I think JJ will be a good man for her..Apo then ask.. 'Arent you feel regret Jeff? For being here with me?' Jeff shake his head and hug Apo's waist and say.. 'Lets start a new life together ok?I can't let you to stay in mental hospital again'.. Apo chuckle and reply back.. 'No.. Im fully recovered.. So.. No way I will return to that hospital.. And about a new relationship.. Please give me a time Jeff.. Im not ready to open my heart for anyone yet.. I hope you won't force me..' Jeff stroke Apo's head gently and nod.. Jeff kiss Apo's cheek and say..' I must go now.. Got a work at the studio.. Please take care of your self ok?I love you Apo.. 'Jeff then leave the house.. Now.. Apo is remain alone in the house... Apo then walk towards the mirror and look at his own reflection and say..' Bible.. I really miss you.. I hope you are here with me.. 'Apo feel shock as he see Bible is standing right behind him.. Apo look at the mirror again and see Bible is smiling at him... Apo then turn around and see Bible isn't standing right behind him.. Apo feels his tears come out and look at the mirror again and see Bible is already dissappear.. Apo then walk towards the bed and sit there while crying.. Apo then say.. 'Bible.. I hope you will be fine up there... I really miss you.. I hope you are here with me... But you aren't.. I can't even forget about you Bible... Not even one second.. Not even a single night... I always remember you..and our unborn baby.. You both always in my heart forever..'Apo start to feel tired and decide to sleep..

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