Chapter 29

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At Mile house..

Mile pov...

Mile is standing right in front of the mirror while looking at his own reflection.. Mile suddenly remember his conversation with his personal doctor..

Flashback 5 months ago..


After Mile returned from the cemetery.. Mile started to feel dizzy.. A lot of blood started to coming out from his nose.. Mile comb his hair with his own hands and notice his hair started to fall a lot... Mile then drove to the hospital for a medical checkup.. After 15 minutes of waiting.. The doctor (Nodt) suddenly called him in and say.. 'Mr Mile.. based on the test.. You were diagnosed with leukemia.. Its still on the 1st stage.. You still have a time to cure it by a chemotherapy... As for now.. I will give you a medicine.. Please make sure to take it..(Flashback end)

Mile feel shock as he hears a door bell rings.. Mile walk slowly towards the front door and open it then see his big brother come visiting him.. It was phi Thong... Thong hug Mile tightly and ask.. 'How are you doing hmm?' Mile rub Thong's back gently and say... 'Like usual..Please do come in'.. Thong then take off his shoe and coming in.. Thong look at Mile with a worry expression. Mile then noticed how his brother change after he was diagnosed with a cancer.. And as usual.. Thong is the 1st person to know about Mile's disease.. Thong then look at Mile again and ask.. 'Have you taken a medicine? I bought a porridge.. Let me prepare it for you na..' Mile stop Thong from get up.. Thong then hold Mile hand and ask again...'Is there anything that you need hmm?' Mile shake his head and reply back.. 'I have something to confess.. And.. This is about Bible...

Bible pov..

Bible silently park his car a bit far from Thong's car.. Bible then look at the house and ask..'Whose house is this? And.. What is Mr Thong doing here? I need to go and find out.. Maybe with this way.. I can gain my memory back..' Bible then get out from his car and walk towards Mile's house and stand behind the wall and try to listen about their conversation..

Back to Thong & Mile conversation..

Thong then look at Mile and say..' You said you you have something to tell me and its about Bible.. What is it?' Mile take a deep breath and say.. 'Phi..Im the one who killed Bible 5 months ago...' Mile then look at Thong with a tears start fall out from his eyes... Thong sigh heavily and ask.. 'Why Mile? Why did you do that?' Mile shake his head and reply back.. 'Im suffering phi... I want to get a revenge on Bible.. Bible decided to marry Apo while me and Nan are suffering!' Thong then hug Mile tightly in his arms and say.. 'Please stop it Mile! Enough with this!'

Without they realize... Bible who already stand outside suddenly burst into Mile's house and ask.. 'What did you say just now?' Mile and Thong turn around and feel shock to see Bible is standing alive right in front of them... Thong then ask.. 'Alex..what are you doing here? How do you know Im here?' Mile then get up slowly and look at Bible deeply and ask.. 'Bible? Is this really you? Phi Thong..who is this? Is this Bible? Bible then grab Mile's tshirt and yell' Answer me your fucking bastard!! 'What have you done to me?! Who the hell am I?!' Mile started to feel dizzy again and hold his head.. Mile feel his nose is bleeding.. Thong then yell.. Mile! Mile! Please hold on! Please leave us alone Alex! 'Mile pass out in Thong's arms..

Bible then look at Mile' s face and speak in his heart.. 'Why your face seems familiar? Why I feel like I want to punch your face badly? Mile? Who is Mile? Why his name sounds familiar to me too? Who are these people to me?' Bible clear this throat and say.. 'I will take him to the hospital.. Help me to carry him..' Thong nod and help to carry Mile towards Bible car and put him inside.. Bible then say.. 'I will see you at the hospital.. My dad will take care of him'.. Bible then get inside his car and drive away.. Thong then stand there with a silent and speak in his heart.. 'Alex.. Why do I feel that.. you is Bible? Why do I feel that Bible is still alive?What if Alex is Bible?'Thong then shake his head and say..' No Thong.. What are the nonsense are you thinking about? Bible is already passed away! That person is Alex.. he is not Bible! 'Thong get into his car and drive away to the hospital..

At Mr Michael hospital..

Bible then arrive at Mr Michael hospital.. Bible then get out from his car and see his adopt father and say..' Dad! Please help me! This man really need a help! He is dying!' Michael feel shock to see Mile and reply back.. 'Alex.. Please help me to carry this man inside!' "Bible nod and quickly help Michael to bring Mile into the hospital.. Thong arrive at the hospital a few minutes later and go inside as well.. Thong then take out his phone and call Apo but fail to get reach..

At Bible house...

Apo pov..

Apo is watering the plant... Apo then take out his phone and see 2 missed call from phi Thong.. Apo then frown and ask.. 'Why Phi Thong call me all of a sudden?' Apo then call Phi Thong and say.. 'Hello phi? What's the matter?'.. Thong then reply 'Apo.. Please come to Mr Michael hospital.. I will send you the location.. Alex also here..' Apo suddenly feel a sharp pain through his chest and ask again.. 'What happen to Alex phi Thong?' Thong sigh heavily and say.. 'Its not Alex but its Mile... Mile is in the hospital! Please come quickly!' Thong hung up the phone before Apo could answers.. Apo then keep the water hose and grab his car keys and drive to Mr Michael hospital..

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