Chapter 9

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At the hospital...

Apo pov..(In his dreams)

Apo is walking at the garden full with red rose... Apo then see Bible with a baby in his arms.. Apo smile and walk towards them and say.. 'My husband..' Bible turn around and see Apo then smile softly and reply back.. 'Hey beautiful..' Bible kiss Apo's lips infront of their baby and notice the baby is giggle.. Apo chuckle and kiss Bible lips softly and say.. 'I miss you my husband.. I miss you very much..' Bible then reply back 'Me and our baby always here for you sweetheart.. We are meant to be.. Remember?' Apo nod and say.. 'I want to be with you Bible.. With our baby as well.. I want to be with you both for the rest of my life' Bible kiss Apo's cheek and walk together with their baby'..
  *Dream end*

Bible pov..

Bible open the door and see Apo is still sleeping... Bible notice Bas and Lira are nowhere to be found and see the note on the table.. Bible take the note and read in silent 'We must go back to the hospital.. We will come again tomorrow.. Please take care of your self and.. Please look after Apo.. We are truly sorry for not inform you before we left.. - Bas.. Bible sigh slowly and sit beside Apo then stroke his head gently and say.. 'My love.. Please wake up.. I really miss your voice... I can't stand to see you laying on the bed like this.. Im afraid Po.. Im afraid you will leave me.. just as your parents... Please don't go to the place that I can't reach for you..' Bible kiss Apo hands gently and talk again..' I just want to spend the rest of my life with you.. Have a kids with you.. We will have a bunch of kids... Just you and me.. Please give me another chance... I want to be a light in your life... I don't care about what other people might say.. About what other might think about us.. All I care about is you Nattawin.. You are the reason why Im still breathing right here.. Right next to you.. Please wake up my baby.. I promise I will protect you from Mile... 'Bible put his head near the pillow and fall asleep..

At night...

Bible open his eyes and see Dr Perth with a nurse are checking on Apo.. Bible rub his eyes slowly and ask..' Dr... How is Apo now? 'Perth turn around and see Bible is already awake then reply back..' He is recovering.. Please pray for him.. We already injected a med just now... And.. as for you.. Here..'Perth then give 2 box of sandwich with a mineral water to Bible and say..' You must eat.. I must go now.. Have another patient need to check.. If anything.. Just press the red button'.. Bible nod and say.. 'Thank you so much Dr Perth..' Perth bow and leave the wards.. Bible start to eat slowly while looking at his belove.. After a few minutes later... Bible take out his phone and call someone and say.. 'Hello.. Mr James? Yeah.. Its me.. Bible speaking.. Can you please check about my upcoming schedule for tomorrow..?' Bible silent for a while and speak up again.. 'If theres a meeting.. Please cancel the meeting or ask my older brother,Phi Thong to replace me.. I got some errands to do.. My partner is sick.. So i need to take care of him...I will return to the office once after everything is under control.. Thank you so much Mr James.. 'Bible hung up the phone and kiss Apo's lips softly and say..' Your breath are my breath... Without you by my side... I feel like Im dying Apo.. I hope you will wake up soon... No matter what happens.. I won't give up on you.. And.. I won't give up on us.. Please don't leave me alone.. Im begging you Nattawin..' Bible stroke Apo's head gently and continue to sleep...

Next day.. (At Mile villa)

Mile wake up and see Nan isn't beside him... Mile then walk towards bathroom to take a shower.. 10 minutes later.. Mile come out and dry his body with the towel.. Nan suddenly come into the room and say.. 'Baby.. Let's go to the supermarket later.. I need to buy some stuff.. Before that.. I must go to the pharmacy to buy some med..' Mile nod and kiss his wife lips and ask.. 'What is for breakfast hmm?' Nan then reply back.. 'Like usual.. Scramble eggs with bread and some baked beans..' Mile hug Nan from behind and say.. 'I want to have a baby.. Why you aren't pregnant yet?' Nan start to feel nervous and reply back with a chuckle and say.. 'Oh honey.. We are just married... Come on.. Lets go downstairs and have breakfast..' Nan then walk out from the room.. Mile sigh slowly and see his phone is buzzing.. Mile pick up the phone and say.. 'Hello pho?' Mile then answer back.. 'Oh.. Nan is fine... Don't worry..' Mr John then ask.. 'When you and Nan are going to have a baby? Me and your mom in law can't wait to have a baby..' Mile roll his eyes and reply back.. 'Yes.. I know pho.. Please give us a time too... We are just married...please understand us too pho..' Mr John sigh heavily and reply back.. 'Well.. Im not young anymore.. I just want to have a grandchildren before me and your mom in law die..' Mile scoff and say.. 'Please don't say like that pho.. Me and Nan will have a baby soon.. Please give us a time.. Im sorry.. Nan is already calling me from downstairs for breakfast.. Talk to you again pho..' Mile roll his eyes again and say.. 'What an annoying old man!' Mile then go downstairs and sit at the table and eat with a silent..Suddenly...Mile look at Nan and say..'Don't forget to buy a pregnancy test.. I want you to make a test later.. Your father is really annoying! He called me just now only because he want us to have a baby!Should I make a sex with you again so that we can have a baby soon?' Nan play with her fingers while looking at Mile.. Nan then say..' Please baby...I will get pregnant.. I promise.. I will buy a pregnancy test later.. 'Mile ignore his wife words and continue eating..

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