Chapter 23

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At Sumettikul family house...

Nan pov..

Nan just sitting on the sofa with an empty gaze.. Mia and John look at Nan with a worry expression... Both of them start to feel sorry to Nan...Thong.. Jeff.. Bible and Apo walk into the house and feel shock to see a bruise on Nan's face and body... Jeff feel his legs couldn't move.. Apo hold his head and about to fall but quickly get hold by Bible.. Bible then help Apo to sit down and ask.. 'Nan.. what happen to you? Who did this..?' Nan feel her eyes starting to get wet and slowly lift up her tshirt... All of them feel more shock to see a wounds on Nan's body... Apo faint on the sofa.. Bible then pat Apo's cheek gently and say.. 'Sweetheart! Please wake up!'.. John sigh and reply back.. 'Son.. Take Apo to rest upstairs.. He must feel very shock.. Mia.. Please help our son..' Lily hide behind her father and cry.. Thong then comfort his daughter and say.. 'Shh.. Its OK.. Uncle Apo just faint.. You don't have to worry na.. Uncle Apo will be fine soon..' Jeff walk slowly towards Nan and sit beside her.. Nan turn her eyes towards Jeff and say.. 'J.. Jeff..'Only one words is enough for Jeff to hear.. Jeff pull Nan towards his body and kiss her forehead and say..' Im truly sorry Nan.. Im sorry for being so stupid! '

Nan then squeeze Jeff tshirt and say...'Please help me Jeff... Please free me from Mile...' Suddenly.. Mile burst into his family house and slap Nan's face until her lips bleeding.. Jeff then punch Mile's face and yell.. 'What the fuck are you doing?!' Bible then come down and punch Mile face as well then yell too.. 'Go away now Mile!Or I call a police!' Mile hold his face and say.. 'If you dare.. just do it.. But don't feel regret if I do something to Apo later..' Bible choke Mile's neck and push him towards the wall and look at him with anger.. John quickly run towards them and try to saperate them but fail.. 'Jeff then hold Nan and say..'let's get out of here..' Mile push Bible away and kick Jeff until Jeff accidentally hit his head.. Thong check on Jeff and ask.. 'Jeff.. Are you ok? Mile! Please stop this immediately! Why are you like this now?!' Mile then yell.. 'Shut up! Shut the fuck up!' Bible then yell back.. 'No! You are the one who should need to shut the hell up!'

Apo pov..

Apo wake up as he hear a noise coming from downstairs.. Apo suddenly remember Bible and get down from the bed.. Apo is about to walk out from the room but got stop by Lily.. Lily then look at Apo and whisper..' Please don't come out Uncle Apo... I didn't want something bad happen to my little brother..' Lily hug Apo to prevent him from leaving the room.. Mile yell from downstairs and say.. 'Apo! I know you are upstairs! If you didn't want me to do anything to Bible.. you should come here and take Bible home right now! Nan then stand up and say..' lets go back.. 'Mile abuse Nan infront of evryone.. Jeff then stop Mile and say..' Please stop it Phi Mile! 'Bible pull Mile away from Nan and punch Mile again.. Mile then yell' Stop it Bible! If you stop me again.. You will know what Im gonna do to Apo! 'Apo then come down and ask with a calm tone..' Do what phi Mile? 'Apo Look straight into Mile's eyes without any fear.. Bible is about to get up but got kick by Mile.. Apo smirk and say..' Do what ever you want with Bible.. 'Thong feel shock then ask..'Apo..what are you talking about?!' Apo give Thong a death glare.. Apo walk towards Mile with a calm and say.. 'You better stop all this Mile.. How long you going to do this? Aren't you pity for Nan and our family?'.. Bible manage to get up and look at Mile with a murderous expression.. Mile then stroke Apo's cheek gently and say.. 'You should be mine Apo.. And I can make you as mine right now..' Apo smirk and slap Mile face until he fall on the floor.. Bible hold Apo in his arms and say.. 'Don't even dream about it!Let's go Apo! Not only Nan should get a lesson but you also need to get a lesson!' Jeff then take Nan out from the house and leave... Thong then say.. 'Leave this house Mile!' Mile push Thong away and see Nan is about to leave.. Mile kick and punch Jeff and drag Nan towards his car and drive back to his villa.. Jeff feel so disappointed and say... 'Im truly sorry Nan.. I can't save you...' Jeff hiss in pain and go home.. Bible take Apo to his car and go somewhere..

Bible pov...

Both Bible and Apo are silent.. Apo then look at Bible with a worry expression... After 15 minutes of driving.. They arrive at the mall..Apo frown and ask..' What are we doing here?' Bible ignore Apo's question and say.. 'Don't ask too much.. Come on..' Apo sigh slowly and get out from the car.. This is 1st time Bible act cold towards Apo.. Bible hold Apo's hand and take him to go into the mall.. Bible look at Apo and speak in his heart 'Get ready now Apo.. because we will get marry by today...' Both of them walk until they arrive at the jewellery shop... Bible then say.. 'Just wait outside..' Apo nod sadly while looking at Bible.. Bible then go inside of the shop and say.. 'Please give me these pair of rings please'.. The seller nod and take out the rings and put inside the small box.. Bible then pay for the rings and say..'Thank you so much..' Bible then leave the shop and say.. 'Lets go to tailor shop now..' Apo obediently nod and follow Bible to the tailor... Apo feel a bit pain near his flat belly and say.. 'Bible.. Its hurt...' Bible rub Apo's flat belly and say.. 'Sit on the bench over there.. I won't be long..' Apo then walk slowly and sit there while Bible go in to buy a coat.. Bible then see a black coat and say.. 'Please give me L size for those coat please..' The tailor nod and prepare it for Bible.. Bible take out his credit card and pay.. The tailor then ask.. 'Who is that man?' While pointing out to Apo.. Bible smile softly and answers back.. 'He is going to be my wife today.. Please pray for us..' The tailor smile and say.. 'I wish you both all the best and May God bless you both.. Here you go..' While taking the paper bag.. Bible smile and bow then reply back.. 'Thank you for the prayers..' Bible then leave the tailor shop and notice Apo is daydreaming... Bible smile and approach Apo then say.. 'I know you are tired.. Let's go to barber shop.. We need to get some haircut.. Then we go into the bathroom and change our clothes.. Our last destination is waiting for us..' Apo frown and nod.. Both of them go to the barber shop to get a hair cut.. After 15 minutes later.. Bible and Apo walk towards the bathroom.. Bible then give Apo's the coat that he bought just now and say..' Don't take too long.. Off you go now..'Bible go inside the bathroom and start to change his clothes.. Apo also go inside and start to change his clothes as well.. Both of them get out at the same time and look at each other.. Bible fix Apo's hair and hold his hand gently then kiss it.. Apo look at Bible and ask.. 'Bible... Are we getting marry today?Why do I feel like we will getting marry now?'.. Bible kiss Apo's forehead for 10 minutes and touch their foreheads and reply back.. 'Are you ready to become my wife later?' Apo feel his tears fall out freely from his eyes.. Bible hold Apo's hand and say.. Lets go and get marry sweetheart.. 'Apo nod happily and leave the mall with Bible..

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