Chapter 34

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In Bible ward..

Dr Michael.. Mia.. John and Thong are visiting Bible.. Meanwhile Jeff take Lily back to Sumettikul family house and wait for them until they return.. Mia then ask 'Dr Michael.. Please tell us what happen to Bible 5 months ago..How he is able to survive?' Dr Michael sigh heavily and reply back 'Actually.. at that time.. I was in a rush to check another patient.. I accidentally hit the stretcher and notice Bible.. Im just about to cover Bible with the white sheet again.. Suddenly.. I felt his breath.. I checked his heart beat and pulse.. And its true.. Bible is still alive.. Then, I decided to moved him into my hospital and take care of Bible until he is recover.. Once he woke up.. He didn't remember anything.. Including his own name... At the same time, Melissa really want to have a kids.. Since we already married.. We still didn't have any chance to get a kid because.. Melissa is infertile.. She feels very upset after received those news.. Thats why she refused to let Bible go.. Once again.. Im truly sorry about her behaviour towards Apo just now.. Bible have a chance to remember everything if Apo is with him.. About Mile.. Don't worry.. We will help you to handle his burial.. I need to go now.. Its already late.. You guys should go home too.. Let Bible rest here.. 'Thong kiss Bible forehead and say..' Bible.. Please wake up.. We already lost Mile.. And now.. We didn't want to lose you again.. Apo already suffer enough since you left us 5 months ago.. But now you are here with us again.. I hope you will wake up.. You must return to Apo..' Mia and John stroke Bible's head together and kiss him and say..' Good night and have a sweet dreams my son... We will come here again by tomorrow... 'All of them then leave Bible' s ward..

At Bible house..

Apo pov..

Apo is lying on the bed while crying hard.. Apo then speak.. 'Should I start a new life in America? There's nothing left for me here... I better leave this house by tomorrow morning..' Apo then get up and start to pack his stuff... Suddenly.. Apo's phone buzzing and see Jeff name on it.. Apo ignore it and continue packing his stuff.. Then.. Apo lay back down on the bed and sleep..

At Sumettikul family house..

Jeff pov..

Jeff keep calling Apo but can't be reach.. Jeff then see Lily is already sleeping on the sofa.. Jeff sit beside Lily and take care of her.. Lily wake up as she hear the door open.. Jeff then see Thong.. Mia and John already return and ask.. 'How is Bible?' Thong then reply back.. 'Its true.. That Alex is Bible.. Right now.. Bible is resting.. What about Apo, Jeff?' Jeff shake his head slowly and reply back... 'I already try to call him but he still didn't pick up his phone.. Im really worry about him phi Thong..' Mia then say.. 'If you say so.. You should go to Bible house and check on him.. Maybe he is already sleep.. Since its already 12 am..' Jeff nod and reply back... 'I think you are right.. I better leave now.. I will see you guys again..' Jeff bow and leave.. After 10 minutes later.. Jeff arrive at Bible's house and notice the house is dark.. Jeff then speak in his heart '.. What should I do with you Apo? Since Bible is already return.. I started to feel afraid.. Im afraid that I might lose you.. We have been together for 5 months.. But within those 5 months.. Have you ever open your heart for me? Have you ever left me a space in your heart? At first, I came back because of Nan.. But when Im with you,you make me realize that my feelings already grew deeper towards you Apo.. If you can give me a chance.. I promise I will take a good care of you.. We can start a new life in America.. Only 2 of us.. Maybe Im selfish.. Im doing this for you.. And because of you.. I didn't want to see you get hurt again Apo.. But now.. You already have Bible again.. And as for me.. I didn't want to be an obstacle in your relationship with Bible.. Since God already give you another chance.. I hope you will use it well Apo.. So that you and Bible can start a new life and live happily together.. It will be better if I leave.. 'Jeff wipe his tears roughly and drive away..

At Dr Michael's house..

Dr Michael pov..

Dr Michael just arrive at his house.. Suddenly.. Dr Michael's maid run towards him and say..' Sir! Please go upstairs now! Mrs Melissa is trying to kill herself! 'Michael sigh heavily and quickly go inside and run upstairs and see his wife is playing with a knife.. Michael then yell..' Enough Melissa! 'Melissa then smirk at her husband and reply back..' If you want me to stop.. Bring Alex back to this house! 'Michael slap Melissa face and take the knife away from her and yell back..' Stop being selfish Melissa! I already told you didn't I?!He is not Alexander but he is Bible!'Melissa then laugh evilly and ask with smirk on her face..' Or.. Should I call someone to kill Apo so that you will listen to me? I just want Alex.. I want our son back, Michael! 'Michael then push Melissa towards the wall and reply with a serious tone.. Don't you dare to hurt Apo.. or his family in law.. They are nothing to do with your sickness Melissa.. You are the one who is sick here.. You are infertile.. When the doctor told both of us.. You can't even accept the fact.. Enough is enough with your drama Melissa.. If you dare to do something behind my back.. I will take you to the police station or.. the suitable place for someone like you is..mental hospital..'Melissa squeeze her fist and scream out loud.. Michael then inject her with syringe and carry her and call someone and say..' Hello Jamie.. Please come to my house.. My wife is get worse now.. Please help me right now.. 'Michael hung up his phone and look at Melissa then speak in his heart..' Im truly sorry Melissa.. But your stupid behaviour really annoy me..I won't let you to do anything bad to Bible and his family.. And.. Im doing this for your own good.. Im truly sorry..' Suddenly.. Michael's friend,Jamie come towards him and ask.. 'Mich..what's the matter?' Michael sigh heavily and say.. 'Please take her to your hospital.. She really need a special care..' Jamie look at Michael then ask again.. 'Are you sure Michael? Are you sure you wont regret it?' Michael nod and reply back.. 'Yes.. Im very sure about this.. She can't even control herself anymore.. Im afraid she will hurt Bible or even worse.. Bible's wife.. Apo Nattawin.. And as for now.. Please take her to your hospital..' Jamie nod and reply back.. 'Please help me to carry your wife..' Michael slowly carry Melissa in his arms and go downstairs.. Jamie quickly open the door for Michael and help him to put Melissa inside the car and say.. 'I will go now Michael.. Please stay strong ok?' Jamie pat his friend shoulder and drive away..

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