Chapter 10

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At the hospital(Apo's ward)

Bible pov..

Bible wake up as he feels someone shaking his shoulder gently.. Bible lift up his head and see Bas and Lira standing in front of him with a plastic bags and some of other stuff.. Bible frown and ask.. 'What are those stuff for?' Bas chuckle and say.. 'Its for you Bible.. We already bought some food for you..' Bible smile and reply back.. 'Thank you so much Bas.. Thank you for helping me out.. You too Lira..' Lira smile as well and say.. 'Well.. Its my responsibility too.. And about Apo.. The doctor said.. He is slowly recovering.. Don't worry too much na kha..' Bas nod and speak up.. 'I almost forgot to tell you Bible.. Actually.. Apo don't have to stay in mental hospital anymore... Because.. I have a positive feelings that.. Apo will recover soon.. The most important thing is.. Never ever give up on him.. Also.. Keep praying for him.. 'Bible nod and say..' I will stay here until he wake up.. About my work.. I already asked Mr James to handle it.. 'Bas chuckle and say..' You are really afraid huh? 'Lira then tease and say..' Well.. Someone is falling in love harder I guess.. 'Bas shake his head and get up from the sofa then reply back..' Well.. me and Lira must go back now.. If anything.. Don't forget to call me alright? 'Bible nod and let them leave... As for Bible.. Bible get up as well and walk towards Apo and kiss his forehead gently and say..' Good morning my wife.. my sunshine.. How are you doing hmm?'I hope you will wake up so that you can recover quickly...I want to take a shower for a while...'Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and walk towards the bathroom to shower...

In Apo's dream...

Apo is walking at the garden.. But this time.. The garden is full with a black rose... Apo start to feel panic when he is unable to find his husband along with their baby... Apo then start to shout.. 'My husband! My baby! Where are you?!' Apo keep running and feel shock as he see Mile shoot Bible and their baby... Apo then shout.. 'Bastard! How could you?! Are you a human or an animal huh?!' Mile laugh evilly and say.. 'You deserve to live in hell! You aren't deserve to be happy! Remember that!' *Dream ends*..

Apo slowly open his eyes and feel tears fall out from his eyes... Apo look around and notice he is in another hospital.. Apo quickly take off the iv needle gently and get down from the bed and speak in his heart..' I must escape from here.. I can't burden Bible anymore.. Im sorry Bible.. I love you too.. But.. I need to go.. Please don't look for me... Please set me free' Without wasting any time.. Apo leave the hospital by using a hospital outfit... 10 minutes later.. Bible come out from the bathroom and feel shock as he see the bed is already empty... Bible start to feel panic and get out from the ward and yell.. 'Apo! Apo! Where are you?!' Suddenly.. Dr Perth run towards him and ask.. 'Bible.. Please calm down.. Tell me.. What's wrong hmm?' Bible then punch the wall then say.. 'Apo is missing! Just noe he is here!' Perth feel shock and reply back.. 'Try to call your friend..' Bible then say.. 'No way.. Apo won't return to that hospital again.. I can't let Bas and Lira get involve again.. I will go and look for Apo.. Hopefully he is safe!' Bible then run out from the hospital and walk towards his car then drive away from the hospital to look for Apo.. Bible then ask..' My sweetheart.. Where are you? '..

At the supermarket...

Mile pov..

Mile is busy buying a stuff.. Nan then walk towards her husband and say.. 'I will go to pharmacy.. Its just beside this supermarket..' Mile then reply back.. ' you go now.. Be careful.. Don't take too long..' Nan nod her head slowly and walk out from the supermarket.. Nan then go into a pharmacy and say.. 'Sawadeekha.. I would like to buy 3 pregnancy test kha..' The woman then take 3 box of pregnancy test and ask.. 'Why are you buying 3 box?' Nan scratch her back neck and answers.. 'Well.. I used to have unproper period.. Im afraid that I won't be able to have a kids... I just prepared what I need to prepare..' Nan give the money and keep the pregnancy test in her bag and see Mile is wait for her then say.. 'Hurry up Nan!' Nan roll her eyes and follow up Mile from behind and return home..

2 hours later...

Apo pov...

Apo finally arrive at the beach.. Apo then walk slowly and welcome by an old woman... The old woman then ask.. 'What's your name young man?..Apo then reply back..' I.. Im Apo Nattawin krub.. Im looking for a place to stay... And.. Im here for a short vacation... 'The woman then take Apo with her and say..' Maybe... A private beach is better.. For your own safety... 'Apo nod and follow the old woman until he is arrives at the beach.. The woman then give Apo a key and say..' Here is the villa.. The food is already prepared... Along with a few of spare clothes.. I hope you will enjoy your short vacation... 'Apo bow and say..' Thank you so much madam.. 'Apo then walk into the villa and open the door then look around and say..' Why I miss Bible all of a sudden? '.. Apo then decide to take a rest for a few minutes.. 10 minutes later.. Apo leave the villa and say..' I think.. It will be better if I take a walk around here..' Apo smile softly and start to walk around the beach....

Bible pov...

After 2 hours driving.. Bible decide to stop his car near the beach and say.. 'I can't continue driving... At least.. I need to stay here... Apo.. Please.. Come back to me my love... Where are you hmm?'.. Bible sigh heavily and take out his phone and notice his phone is already out of battery.. Bible then say.. 'For God sake.... How am I supposed to find Apo?' I definitely need to stay here at least for 1 day.. 'Bible sigh heavily and get out from the car and lean near his car then look around the beach.. Bible feel shock as he see a familiar figure is walking near the beach and say..'Apo...'Bible then found a short cut and walk towards the beach to meet Apo..

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