Chapter 15

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After 25 minutes of cooking.. Bible.. Apo and Bas sitting together at the kitchen and eat.. Bas then ask.. 'Well.. Apo.. Where have you been to?' Apo sigh slowly and say.. 'Actually.. I went to the beach because I want to refresh my mind.. Also.. I want to avoid Bible.. I didn't want to burden him anymore.. But I don't how.. Bible is able to found me in Chiangmai..' Bas chuckle then reply back.. 'Apo.. Its doesn't matter how hard you are trying to avoid Bible.. He will be looking for you until he found you.. His heart brought him to you.. Bible is my bestie since we were in high-school.. Once Bible deeply in love with someone.. He won't let that person go easily..His actions speak louder than a words Apo.. Please believe in him ok? 'Apo nod and smile then continue eating..After 3 of them done eating.. They walk towards the living room while Bas take out his stuff and start to do a medical checkup on Apo.. Bas smile at them and say..' Its really a miracle.. Apo is already recover for good!' Bible hug Apo and kiss his forehead and say.. 'I know you gonna make it.. Thank you so much sweetheart..' Apo kiss Bible cheek gently and say... 'Dr Bas.. thank you so much for everything.. And.. Im sorry if I used to be rough towards you..' Bas chuckle and reply back.. 'Its was nothing Apo.. Don't worry ok? Lira send her regards to you both..' Bible then ask with a tease.. 'Well.. Are you both dating right now? Because.. You guys seems really close now...' Bas smile and reply back.. 'I do love her Bible.. But sometimes.. I don't know how to confess about my feelings..' Apo pat Bas shoulder and say.. 'At very least.. You should give a try Dr Bas.. You won't know it if you haven't try..

Bas clear his throat and keep all his stuff into the briefcase and ask..' So.. What is your plan Bible? You should do something with Mile.. Or else.. The same thing will repeat itself again..' Bible shake his head and say.. 'Not now Bas.. It will be dangerous.. Enough with what he had done to Apo before.. I can't let those happen again this time..' Bas nod and say.. 'Well then.. If you say so.. Anyway.. Im happy for you both right now.. Please take care of each other ok?' Apo then say.. 'Me and Bible will get marry soon.. Please pray for us as well na krub..' Bas hug both Bible and Apo then say.. 'If you guys need anything.. Just call me.. I must go now.. Its already evening..' Bible nod and send Bas until they reach the front door.. Bas pat his bestie shoulder and say.. 'I do believe that you gonna be a good husband and father Bible.. I can't wait for the happy news..' Bible laugh while shake his head and say.. 'Be careful during driving Bas.. I will catch up with you again ok?' Bas wave at Bible then drive away.. Bible then close the door and see Apo is already missing.. Bible smirk and go upstairs then see Apo is enjoying the view.. Bible walk towards Apo then hug his beloved from behind and ask..' What are you thinking about hmm?' Apo shake his head and say.. 'Nothing.. I feel this is just a dream to me.. Being here with you.. I still feel like Im dreaming..'

Bible then kiss Apo's cheek,neck and shoulder.. Apo then turn around and say... 'I know you want me right now..'Bible then take Apo towards their bed and push Apo to lay down..Bible and Apo start to take off each others clothes and throw it on the floor.. Bible lean his face towards Apo's stomach and kiss it gently and say.. I will have a positive feelings that you going to be a mother soon.. 'Apo smile and say...' I hope so too.. My husband.. 'Bible kiss Apo lips deeply and slowly lift Apo's legs and put on his shoulder and start to thrust Apo slowly.. Apo close his eyes and moan slowly then say..' Please.. Aaaah... Bible... 'Bible smile and thrust Apo deeper... Apo then say..' mmmhh Bible.. I.. I want to..... 'Bible nod and say..' its OK honey... Let it go.. 'Apo release it and follow by Bible.. Bible then release it inside Apo... Bible kiss Apo once again and cover them with the blanket and say..' You must feel tired right?Sleep now.. 'Apo nod and hug Bible then fall asleep.. Bible stroke Apo's head gently and follow Apo into a dream land..

Next day at Mile house..

Nan pov..

Nan wake up before Mile and walk towards the bathroom to clean her self.. Nan take another pregnancy test and start to do a test... After a few minutes later.. Nan then take a pregnancy test and look at it then sigh heavily with a disappointment.. Nan speak in her heart.. 'Why the results is keep to be a negative?Just why?! Mile will be mad at me later...' Nan feel shock as he hears a loud knock from the outside.. Without even asking.. Nan already know that her husband must be awake by now.. Nan trembling and open the door and look at Mile.. Mile snatch the pregnancy test and throw it on the floor with anger and yell.. 'Why the test is negative again?!' Nan couldn't stop her tears from flowing and say.. 'Im sorry Mile! Please give me another chance!' Mile grab Nan's hair until make his wife cry in pain then say.. 'You better listen here Nan.. I will give you one last chance.. By tomorrow.. If I receive another negative result.. I will drag you to the hospital either you want it or not! Nan already cry hard on the floor while Mile walk away and use another bathroom to shower.. Nan then come out from the bathroom and wear her clothes then go downstairs to make a breakfast.. 10 minutes later.. 'Mile come down and speak with a cold tone..' I will eat with JJ later.. I need to go to work now.. 'Mile walk out from the house.. Leaving Nan all alone in the house.. Nan then sit at the table and eat by her self..

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