Chapter 6

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Next day.. (Mile villa)

Mile pov..

Mile is preparing a breakfast.. Suddenly stop as he feels a hug around his waist...Mile smile and kiss his wife then say.. 'Good morning my beautiful wife..' Nan chuckle and kiss Mile lips softly and say.. 'Yes.. Good morning my handsome husband...Wow..what a nice smell huh?' Mile phone buzzing on the table.. Nan then see JJ name on it and say.. 'Darling.. I think your friend is already here.. Go and pick up the phone.. Let me continue this..' Mile nod and answer the phone call while Nan is take turn to prepare the food on the table.. Mile then walk a bit from his wife and say.. 'Yes JJ.. What's up dude?' JJ then reply back.. 'Im already outside.. Please open up the gate'.. JJ then hung up the phone and wait outside... Mile then walk towards the gate and open it for JJ.. JJ give Mile a tight hug and say.. 'Congratulations Mile.. Finally you are able to get rid of that man'.. Mile scoff and say.. 'Please come inside JJ.. I have a work for you to do..' JJ nod and follow Mile to go in..

3 of them sit at the kitchen while having a breakfast.. Mile then give JJ a syringe and say.. 'I want you to end Apo's life..I just want him dead.. Thats all.. Because.. I want to have a happy family with Nan.. We also expecting a baby.. I really hope everything will be successful..' JJ smirk and say.. 'Very well Mile.. Just leave it to me...' Mile smirk as well then reply back 'Do not talk with anyone.. If Bas or the nurse ask.. Just say that you are a new staff.. If you see Bible.. Don't talk to him.. Just pretend that you never see him.. Leave the hospital as soon as you finish that job.. Do you understand JJ?' Nan rub his husband arms and say..' I just want to see him suffer before he dies... Its really annoying! That Bible dare enough to slap my face!'Mile kiss his wife cheek and feed the fruit.. JJ roll his eyes and ask..' Then.. How do you know about that hospital Mile? 'Mile then laugh evilly and reply back..' To be honest JJ.. Bible and Bas are my junior during high school.. I know Bas since he was in the same high school.. He is Bible bestie.. This poison is quiet strong... And I believe, Apo's life won't last long.. JJ nod and get up.. JJ look at Mile and say.. 'Just be careful Mile.. Nan.. Im afraid karma will return to you both.. You don't have to kill Apo like this.. Just let Apo live happily with Bible.. And Im sure Bible can take care of him.. You already have that Nan.. What else isn't enough for you?' Mile smirk evilly and reply back..' I won't be able to live in peace if that bastard are still alive! End his life now and leave the hospital! 'JJ nod and leave Mile's villa and drive to the hospital..

At the hospital...

Apo pov..

Apo open his eyes slowly and look around...Apo then speak in his heart..' Why.. Why Bible isn't here yet? He already made a promise to me... 'Suddenly.. There's a door open.. Apo turn his head towards the door and see Lira come with a new clothes, food and water along with a medicine... Apo then ask..' W.. Where is B.. Bible? I.. I w.. want him t.. to be h.. here.. 'Lira smile softly and say..' Don't be afraid Apo.. Bible is still at the office.. He will come here later after he finish with his work... Now...Apo should take a warm shower ok... I will help you.. 'Apo shake his head gently and say...' P.. Please allow me to sleep more..'Lira nod and leave the ward while Apo decide to sleep...

JJ pov..

JJ finally arrive at mental hospital and get out from his car.. JJ then take a long white coat with a specs and syringe... JJ wear the white coat and specs then walk into the hospital.. Lira then see JJ walk past her and ask ..'Excuse me.. Who are you?'JJ clear his throat and say..' Im new staff here...'JJ then leave Lira all alone at the corridor... Lira then walk away to continue her work.. JJ open the door and see Apo is still sleeping.. JJ close the door slowly and walk towards Apo and quickly take out the syringe and inject the IV bottle with a poison.. JJ smirk and quickly leave Apo's ward and bump into Bible who is just arrive.. Unfortunately.. The syringe fall on the ground.. JJ quickly step on the syringe until the syringe break and leave the hospital.. Bible start to have a bad feeling and walk towards Apo's ward... Bible open the door and see Apo is sleeping... Apo open his eyes again and smile as he see Bible is standing in front of him... Bible kiss Apo forehead and say.. 'Good morning my sunshine... How are you doing today hmm?'.. Apo is about to reply suddenly feel something come out from his nose... Apo start to feel weak and say.. 'B.. Bible...' Bible then feel shock as he see blood coming out from Apo's nose.. Bible then say.. 'Baby! Who did this to you?!' Why there's a blood coming out?! Wait here! I will call Dr Bas and Lira!'Apo quickly hold Bible hands and shake his head slowly.. Bible then say..' No sweetheart... Please stay with me.. You going to be fine'..Apo's hand suddenly fall.. Bible then yell.. 'No! Apo! Please help me! Apo! Please come back!' Bible start to cry hard and hug Apo in his arms.. Bas and Lira then rush towards Bible and feel shock to see Apo's current condition.. Bas then check Apo's pulse and say.. 'Bible.. Listen to me.. Please take Apo out from this hospital.. We must move him into another hospital.. Clearly.. Someone come here just now and did this to him! We don't have much time left or else Apo will die!' Lira quickly take off the IV bottle and try to remember something... Bible.. Bas and Lira leave the hospital and take Apo to another hospital..

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