Chapter 30

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At Michael's hospital..

Thong pov..

Thong is walking back and forth with a worry expression.. Bible then say.. 'Phi.. Please sit down... Your brother will be fine...' Thong then look at Bible then reply back.. 'after Bible passed away.. Mile is the only brother that I had.. My parents still didn't know about his condition.. Im the 1st to know... While the others dont..' Bible touch his chest and suddenly feel dizzy... Bible then speak in his heart.. 'Why I didn't like it when phi Thong call me as Alex? Why do I feel like phi Thong is really close to me?Not only Phi Thong but Mile as well.. These 2 are a family to me.. Dear God.. Please help me to remember something! At very least...' A few minutes later.. Apo then arrive and run towards Thong and Bible... Apo then ask..' how is Mile? What is happening to him phi Thong? 'Bible then stare at Apo and speak in his heart..' And now... Why I didn't like Mile too? Why I didn't like it when Apo worry about him? '.. Before Thong could reply those question..Dr Michael and come out from Mile's ward and ask..' Who is Mr Mile Phakphum relatives?' Bible didn't know what's possess him.. Bible suddenly walk towards Mr Michael and ask..'How is Mile condition?' Michael frown and say.. 'Alex.. Please.. I must speak to his relatives.. You aren't his relatives..' Bible roll his eyes and reply with a cold tone.. 'Speak or I will go inside by my self..' Bible stare at Dr Michael and roll his eyes.. Bible then reply back.. 'Fine dad.. I will go i there by my self..' Bible walk towards Mile's ward and go in.. Thong and Apo follow up from behind and go inside as well..

Dr Michael sigh heavily and go in and see Mile is resting... Thong then ask.. 'Dr.. How is Mile' s condition?'Dr Michael sigh heavily and reply back..' Mile's condition are still ok.. Its because he has been depend on the medicine.. He must receive a treatment.. A chemotherapy must be done too.. Or else his life won't be able to be save.. Because.. his cancer is already on the 3rd stage..' Apo feel shock and look at Phi Thong then ask..' Phi Thong.. Why you never tell me about this matter? 'Thong then reply back..' Its Mile's request.. He asked me not to tell this to Pa and Ma also to you.. Im sorry na Apo.. 'Bible then look at Mile with a cold expression and speak in his heart..' Why I feel hurt when Apo worry about this bastard? Come on Alex... You shouldn't suppose to be here.. But.. I still want to be here.. not because of this bastard or anyone else.. But.. I want to be here because of.. Apo..' Bible turn his gaze towards Apo and say..' Erm..Apo..lets go out and take some fresh air.. Maybe we can have a proper conversation.. 'Dr Michael then look at Alex and speak in his heart..' Im truly sorry Bible... I have to lie.. I have no choice.. I know I owe an explanation to you.. But can you accept everything if I tell you?'Thong then speak up..' Dr Michael.. Please allow me to take care of my brother.. And as for Alex and Apo.. You both should go out and have a talk.. 'Dr Michael smile at Thong and reply back..' Yes.. Mr Thong is right boys.. Im sorry.. I still have a work to do.. 'Dr Michael then leave Mile's ward and continue his work.. Meanwhile Bible and Apo decide to leave the hospital..

At Bible house..

Apo pov..

Apo and Bible finally arrive.. Both of them still sitting in the car... Bible frown and ask..' Whose house is this?' Apo start to feel heavy and reply back.. 'This is my husband house... My late husband you want to come in?' While looking at Bible... Bible then nod and get out from the car and follow Apo and go in... Bible look around his house and start to feel a sharp pain through his head... Apo quickly hold Bible and ask..' Alex.. Are you ok? Are you in pain? 'Tell me.. Please tell me how to help you.. I will try my best to help you..' Apo look at Bible with a worry expression.. Bible then reply back.. 'We just met today.. I don't know how to explain but.. I feel like.. I already know you before... I don't like it when you call me as Alex.. I prefer you to call me as Bible... That name is really similar to me..' Apo then help Bible to get up and say.. 'Alex.. Please have a sit first.. I will make a cup of warm tea.. Do you want a biscuits?'.. Bible nod and let Apo to go to the kitchen.. Apo phone suddenly buzzing on the table.. Bible then see Jeff name on it and shout from the living room.. 'Apo! .. Someone is calling you.. his name is Jeff!' Apo then come back and take his phone from the table and pick up the phone and walk back to the kitchen and say.. 'Hello Jeff?' Jeff then reply back and say.. 'Apo.. I will come to your house after my work is done..

Bible walk slowly towards the kitchen and stand right behind Apo without Apo even notice.. Apo then say..' Jeff.. Please don't come here.. I have a guest right now.. Maybe you can come later'.. Bible start to feel jealous and snatch Apo's phone from him and turn off his phone while looking at him with a serious face... Apo then ask... 'A.. Alex.. What are you doing here? Please wait in the living room.. I will bring this tea to you once it's ready..'Bible lean in near to Apo' s face and smell his scent and say.. 'Im sure you owe me an explanation too.. Nattawin Wattanangitiphat..' Apo feel shock and ask.. 'H.. how do you know my full name Alex?..As far as I know.. Only a few people who are close to me that can mention my full name.. Please don't act that we know each other Alex.. Unless you are my Bible..' Bible stroke Apo's cheek gently and say.. 'Look into my eyes Apo..' Apo slowly look at Bible's eyes and about to say something but no words is coming out from Apo's mouth.. Bible then kiss Apo's forehead and say.. 'If you can make me remember who I am... I will be thankful to you Apo.. To be honest.. I feel Im not Alex but Im Bible.. Im trying to remember but God didn't allow me to..' Apo sigh heavily and take Bible back to sit in the living room and say.. 'Wait here Alex.. I will be right back in 2 minutes.. Apo then go back to the kitchen and continue making the tea for Bible..

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