Chapter 37

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Bible and Apo sit together with Mia.. John.. Thong and Lily in living room.. John then speak up.. 'Bible.. Please tell us what actually happened to you and Apo..' Apo hold Bible hands and look at him with a worry.. Bible take a deep breath and reply back.. 'Actually.. It was true that we were involve in accident.. It happened right after our wedding has end.. At that time, I was busy driving.. We on our way to return to our house.. Suddenly, I saw a lorry came towards my car.. Those lorry driver seems lost control about his lorry.. I managed to avoid the lorry.. Unfortunately.. The pedal break isn't working.. I even step on it twice.. My car accidentally hit the tree.. Me and Apo were injured... Apo fell out from the car.. My head got bumped near the steering wheel until blood came out... The car exploded and I got thrown out from the car... My face already covered with a wounds.. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes is a blood that came out from Apo's leg... And.. it make me realize that.. We already lost our baby.. Apo tears start to fall out... Mia then sit beside Apo and give Apo a hug to comfort him.. Bible stroke his wife head and say.. 'I didn't blame anyone Pa.. Ma.. Its not Apo's fault.. Its my fault because I already fail to protect him and our baby.. Im truly sorry!' Bible cover his face and cry.. Thong rub his little brother shoulder and hug Bible as well to comfort him.. Bible then continue..' At that time.. I thought God already left me.. I feel nothing but dying... Until.. I heard a voice saying that.. 'this man is alive! This man is still breathing! His heart beat and pulse are still here even though his condition is really weak.. How could they did this to you Bible.. How could they leave you all alone here.. While you still can be save?Don't worry Bible.. I will try my best to help you.. You will recover.. I promise..

Then..I was in coma for 5 months.. After I woke up.. The 1st thing I saw is Dr Michael.. He is such a nice man.. He is the one who help me to get through this matter.. He visited me everyday... He took care of me.. He said.. After I recover.. He will help me to get back to you guys.. The plan was almost successful.. But.. it starts to become complicated when Melissa crossed the line...She is obsessed with me.. She keep preventing Dr Michael from helping me.. What Im trying to say is.. Melissa considered me as her own son.. She always threat Dr Michael by a commited suicide.. Dr Michael have no choice other than to follow her request.. By making me stay in that house.. As time goes by.. Dr Michael offered me to work in his company.. There, I met Phi Thong and Apo... Apo called me as Bible.. When we met again after 5 months.. I feel like I have a special bond with them.. I feel like.. I know them.. But I can't remember much.. I started to feel curious.. So, I decided to follow Thong.. Then,I met Mile.. When I look at Mile.. I feel pain and angry.. I feel that my self start to rebel... I spent my time with Apo.. Because, I believe.. Apo will be able to help me to remember..

Right after Mile passed away.. I started to feel a sharp pain as I get my memories back... I ran outside.. Luckily Apo saved me even I got hit by a car...Thong then reply back.. 'But.. Bible.. there is something that you need to know.. Actually.. Apo got slapped by Melissa.. She feel very mad at Apo because she thought that Apo is a reason you got hit by a car.. She even asked Apo to leave and don't come near you again.. She keep calling you as Alexander.. 'Bible sigh heavily and say..' That is because Melissa is infertile.. And that's one of the reason why she didn't let me to leave those house.. 'Apo then ask..' But.. sweetheart.. How do you know I was at the airport?'Bible kiss Apo's forehead and reply back..' Your neighbour told me.. Is this why you are running away from me? With Jeff... 'Bible purposely mention Jeff's name in front of Apo.. Apo then reply back..' Maybe I should go back to the airport and follow Jeff.. 'Mia and John shake their heads together.. Thong chuckle and reply..' We are waiting for the next baby.. Please make it happen! 'Bible hold Apo' s hand and say.. 'Ma.. Pa.. Phi.. We need to go now.. We got some errands to do tomorrow..' Mia nod and give them a tight hug and say.. 'Please take care of each other.. And Bible.. Please take care of your self.. You still need to rest... If anything.. Please call us right away..'Bible smile and nod in respond.. Apo bow and say..' We will go back home now.. 'Thong smile and reply back..' Please be careful! 'Bible and Apo then leave Sumettikul family house..

10 minutes later..

Bible and Apo arrive at their house.. Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and say..' I miss you very much sweetheart.. Im sorry because I put you through this matter.. 'Apo kiss Bible's cheek and reply back..' Yes.. I know my love.. I miss you even more.. Lets go inside ok.. Its already evening.. You must be hungry right? 'Bible then get out from his car and take out Apo' s luggage and carry it and go into the house... Bible put those luggage aside and hug Apo from behind then kiss his neck softly.. Apo chuckle and say.. 'Hmm.. I wonder what is Jeff doing right now.. I really miss him..' Bible look at Apo with a serious face and ask.. 'What did you just say hmm?' Apo start to feel tickle as Bible hands start to tickle Apo's body.. Apo pinch Bible cheek and quickly run upstairs and.. Apo go into their bedroom and hide inside the blanket.. Bible then go inside the room and put the luggage near the wall and see Apo is hiding inside the blanket.. Bible smirk evilly and speak in his heart.. 'Ooh.. There you are my naughty little kitty..You really asking for this.. So this is what you get..' Bible lock the door and pull off the curtains.. Apo hold the blanket tightly as he feels Bible crawl on top of Apo from inside of the blanket.. Apo feel his heart beat almost stop as he see Bible is already on top of Apo... Bible take off Apo's pants and boxer than slowly massage Apo's junior gently.. Apo bite his lips hard while close his eyes.. Bible kiss Apo's cheek as he massage Apo's again.. Apo then say.. 'Aaaah.. My husband...' Bible kiss Apo's forehead and put the blanket away.. Apo then take off Bible's thsirt and say.. 'Please.. Aaaah.. Bible...' Bible kiss his wife lips and put Apo's legs on his shoulder and slowly thrust Apo... Apo then say.. 'Bible... Its hurt...' Bible wipe Apo's tears and say.. Its OK sweetheart.. Im right here. 'Bible thrust Apo again and again..Apo hug Bible' s neck and kiss him deeply and say.. Aaaah.. Mmmhh.. 'Bible smile at his wife and thrust Apo again... Both of them start sweating.. Bible then carry Apo towards the bathroom and lock the door.. Apo lean his body near the wall as Bible wrap Apo' s legs around his waist.. Bible continue to thrust Apo.. Apo then say.. 'I.. Love you my husband.. Aaaah.. Bible..' Bible then kiss Apo and release it inside of Apo and chuckle together.. Both of them then take a shower.. 10 minutes later.. Both of them come out from the bathroom and wear their pyjamas and rest on the bed..

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