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(not proofread)


Luke's pov:

To say my trip to Australia was completely spectacular would probably be me lying.

Now, don't get me wrong I loved coming back home and being able to meet Carson for the first time, but nothing was how I expected it to be.

I certainly didn't expect her to welcome me with open arms, but I had to admit how snarky and cold she was being to me did sting a bit.

Tiffany never told me she was pregnant before I left for a job offer in California; the job I have now. If I had known that then I would've never left.

I couldn't help but wonder if Carson would be different had I been involved in her life.

Speaking of my daughter; she was knocked out cold next to me with headphones in her ears.

Whatever medication she took was probably an aid to that since halfway through the flight she took another pill.

I wanted to stop her but I already knew it'd be of no use. I should've though.

Myself however did not sleep as well as she seemed to be.

Her conversation asking Tiffany for cigarettes and vodka kept replaying in my head. She was fifteen, there was no way she had just discovered those things on her own.

I had suspicions that she struggled with addiction issues.

Even just today when we were leaving for the airport, she smelled like weed and her eyes were bright red.

She thought I didn't notice but I did.

I noticed it all.

How shaky she was when she went too long without a cigarette, the chronic cough she had.

I noticed the headaches she always complained to Tiffany about and the dark circles of exhaustion under her eyes.

None of this certainly was healthy and I didn't know how long she had been doing this on her own. It reminded me to get her into Michael for a checkup.

But I had a feeling that Tiffany was the one who put her up to all of this or introduced her to all of it.

"Sir," one of the flight attendants walked over and gently tapped my shoulder, escaping me from my thoughts.


"We're landing soon. You'll need to put your tray table up and your seat as well."

"Oh. Sorry." I smiled. "Thank you."

Once the plane had safely landed and pulled up to the gate, I stayed seated and allowed the other passenger to deboard the plane first.

"Carson." I shook her gently. "We're here, hun."

There was no response and that fucking terrified me. I immediately moved two of my fingers to her neck to check for a pulse.

Thank god she had one.

"Carson," I tried calling her again and this time shook her harder. The other passengers that were exiting the plane were now starting to stare at us, but I didn't fucking care for their opinions.

The only sound that emitted from her was a groan, but hey, at least it was something.

I sighed and maneuvered my way to gently step over her and into the aisle of the aircraft, opening the overhead bin.

I was going to have to carry her off of the plane.

Once I had grabbed my carry-on bag and put it on my back, I went to grab Carson's. She must've accidentally left it open a tad because as I pulled it down something fell out of it and landed in front of my feet.

I looked down and was shocked to find a package of Xanax pills without a prescription label on them. There were two missing and I immediately knew these were the pills she took.

This confirmed my suspicions of my daughter being a drug addict.

I picked up the pills and quickly threw them in my backpack then placed Carson's backpack on my other shoulder.

Next, I unblocked Carson's seatbelt and then scooped her into my arms, heading towards the exit of the plane.

"Did I fall asleep?" Carson mumbled and I could tell she was still half asleep otherwise she would've been battling me to put her down.

"Yeah, you did... we need to talk when we get home."

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