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(let me know what you guys think but don't feel obligated to)
(not proofread)

*Luke's pov*

"I'm pretty sure Carson stole 50 dollars out of my wallet," I explained to the guys later that same night when Carson was upstairs in her room.

"What? That's ridiculous Luke," Ashton laughed. "I mean sure she has addiction issues but I don't think she'd go so far as to steal money from you for it."

"Okay then, genius. Explain how my wallet was in my office with her the whole time and now there's $50 fucking dollars missing from it."

"I don't know... maybe it fell out or something. She's your daughter, Luke. Have a little more faith in her."

I sighed and looked over at Calum. "Does she say anything to you?"

"You know I can't tell you that."

"No but in a roundabout way. Anything I should be concerned about?"

"Well, obviously we've only had one session yesterday but she doesn't talk much. She just keeps repeating that she hates living here."

"Great. I kind of expected that to happen."

"Maybe you should call Tiffany," Michael suggested. "See if this is normal behavior for Carson."

"I think Tiff is the one who probably got her on these in the first place."

"It doesn't hurt to ask."

Deciding he was probably right, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed Tiffany's number. We were seventeen hours behind Australian time so I wasn't even sure if she'd pick up, but I was hoping she did.

I needed some damn answers.

"Luke?" I heard her voice over the receiver. "Isn't it like really late over there?"

"Yeah, it is," I sighed. "Listen,  um, is it normal behavior for Carson to take money out of people's wallets?"


"I think Carson stole from me, Tiffany."

"Are you calling me and accusing our daughter of this?" Tiffany laughed.

"Well, I was just wondering because someone stole 50 dollars out of my wallet today."

"That is fucking ridiculous, Luke. You think our daughter would steal from you?!" She started rambling on about how she was going to contact her lawyer about the bullshit I was spewing, and that's when I chose to hang up.


I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair frustratedly, looking up at my friends. "I think I'm going to have to confront Carson about this."

"Just be careful," Calum spoke up. "She's already lashed out at you once over just the pills, who knows what she'd do if you accuse her of stealing."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks."

I stood up from the couch and began to climb the stairs that lead to the bedrooms. I could tell her door was cracked open from the light reflecting off the wall.

Getting to the top of the stairs I could sense a slight burning smell that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It made me cough and took note that it was coming from Carson's room.

Immediately I ran in there and was shocked to find Carson sitting by the open window, a lit cigarette in between her fingers.


"Shit," she coughed and dropped the cigarette accidentally. "Why are you even in here?"

"You smoke too? You're 15 years old, Carson. Never mind the health issues smoking causes but you're not even the legal age.

"It's not that big of a deal, Dad." She smirked and took another inhale of the cigarette once she picked it up.

"It is, Carson. This can cause so many health problems. Is that what you want?"

"No, I wanted to relax and I can't do that with you snooping around."

I shook my head and grabbed the pack of cigarettes that lay on her bed. "I'm not snooping around, Carson, but you live with me for the time being and I already told you that the smoking, drinking, and drugs are done with. I want to get you the help you need. Get you better."

"I didn't even want to live with you in the first place! You fucking forced me here over some bogus ass custody agreement. I had everything I needed in Australia and you took them from me!"

And suddenly something clicked in my mind and I had an even bigger question to ask than if she stole the money out of my wallet.

"Is your mother the one who introduced you to drugs?"

She glared at me and shook her head viciously,
But her silence gave me the answer I needed.

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