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(nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same)

(not proofread)


I don't know how long Carson and I stayed in this position, but what I do know is that when we finally did break away, it was because Tiffany had reentered the room.

I could tell that Carson needed this hug, and maybe I needed it too. ways, I hoped that it would strengthen our relationship rather than weaken it.

"What the hell are you doing, Carson? Tiffany slurred.

How the fuck was she still drunk after all these hours? She should've at least been somewhat sober, but no doubt she went out to drink again.


Carson immediately shifted away from me and closer to her mother. I understood, however, that she didn't know me as long as she knew Tiffany and probably just wanted her Mom after properly waking up.

"Carson, what're you doing hugging him?"

It was an accident, Mom."

An accident?

It didn't seem like it to me.

I could tell that Carson's walls were cracking and that she desperately needed love and affection. I truly believe that with those things and support, she'd be able to heal from her addiction.

None of this would ever happen with Tiffany, though. I don't understand what happened because our relationship when we were dating before Carson was conceived was nothing but the sweetest.

"You know what I've told you about fraternizing with the enemy. Tiffany groaned and shot a glare in my direction.

"I'm not the enemy," I said.

"Oh really? You can't even have her for one month without her fucking ending up in the hospital.

She was drunk. Hammered.

I had to remind myself of that.

I was trying not to argue back with her and stay civil for Carson's sake, but it was infuriating with Tiffany sometimes. "That's only because you gave her drugs and got her addicted to them."

"I did not fucking give her drugs! Fuck you, Luke!"

"Let's not do this here, Tiffany. We can settle it with our attorneys," I sighed.

"No. Your lawyer is screwy and gave you half custody."

"Tiffany," I sighed. "He, along with the judge, did exactly what they thought was best for Carson. We all want the best for her, right?"

"Oh fuck you, Luke." She flipped me off directly in front of everyone. "Where is her doctor? I want to know when I can take her home."

My heart nearly stopped when she spoke those words. I knew that it was probably impossible for her to go home so soon, especially since the overdose was only a few days ago and she was still recovering.

Plus, I think Ash and Calum were transfiguring a plan to get Carson into therapy and work on detoxing her from the drugs properly. Ideally, we would also like for her to meet with an addiction support group, but we wouldn't force her if she didn't want to.

"She's still mine for two months, Tiffany. It's in the legal custody agreement," I argued in panic.

"I don't give a fuck about no custody agreement. You obviously can't take care of her, so she's coming home with me, so go find me the doctor in charge."


I looked at Carson, begging her to maybe say something, but she didn't look back, so with tears gathered in my eyes, I walked out the door in search of Ashton, thankful when I saw him at the nurses station right outside the door.

"Ash!" I cried. "She's going to fucking take Carson from me!"

"Woah, Luke, what? What are you talking about?"

I wiped my eyes and leaned against the counter next to Ash. "Tiffany, she wants to speak to you since you're in charge of Carson's care. She wants to take her back to Australia."

"She's not cleared to go home yet."

"I know that's why I don't know what to do."

"You need to contact your lawyer and physically take her back to court, not just have virtual meetings for custody agreements," he answered. "Secondly, I'm not going to release her until I think she's ready, and that includes mentally, so Tiffany can keep dreaming the fuck on."

I nodded and stayed silent as he spoke.

This whole situation was a real fucking whirlwind and was starting to make me dizzy, but I understood Ash's points, and he was right.

Legally, for the time being, Carson was mine until the three months were up. That's how the custody agreement was stated.

I don't think Tiffany could just waltz in and demand that Carson live with her again, but then again, I was a surgeon, not an attorney, so what did I know?

My main priority was Carson and Carson alone. As long as she was okay, then I didn't care what Tiffany thought.

I did need to get her away from Carson, though, or else I feared that I would lose her, and I didn't mean with the custody battle; I feared that something dangerous like her overdose would happen again if she went home with Tiffany.

And there would be no saving her from that one.

"Oh my god, Ash. I immediately started crying and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to end up having to fucking bury Carson."


"If she goes back to live with Tiffany," I elaborated. "She's going to stay on the drugs and overdose again, and it's going to fucking kill her, Ash!

I was panicking.

"Luke," he hugged me. "That's not going to happen, okay? You're going to take Tiffany back to court, and myself, Cal, and Michael will be standing behind you in your corner when you win that battle."

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