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(i'm sorry for this)
(not proofread and hope it matches up with the storyline/makes sense)


He was trying to mask his reaction, but I could tell that Luke was ecstatic about my revelation of wanting to get better.

Yet apparently that agreement came with weekly sessions with Calum, especially more so since the overdose, despite it being accidental. I wasn't looking forward to having to talk to Calum about my feelings every week, but it was better than the other option they offered, which was to stay inpatient in a rehabilitation ward and get clean of the drugs.

One of the things I was excited about was that Ashton had stated that I could hopefully go home, if all goes well, tomorrow or the following day.

As for my mother and boyfriend, I didn't know much, but I did know that because Ashton had witnessed the physical incident between us, which was an indication of abuse, he was legally required to contact the police and CPS.

She was also escorted off the property last night because of the allegations brought against her.

My dad had been in contact with his lawyer since late last night, and from my understanding, he had been awarded temporary sole custody of me.

I wasn't complaining, though.

If I truly did want to get better than I knew, my best shot at it was with my mom out of the picture. She was the mastermind behind my addiction.

Despite him constantly telling me he was fine, I knew this was stressing my dad out. He wouldn't say it was, but I could see it, especially since my overdose. From what I heard from the guys, he hardly left my bedside while I was unconscious, and even now he barely leaves it.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking up from the paperwork he was writing to meet my face.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Everything's just fine."

"Just fine? Do you maybe need to speak with Calum again?"

"What?" I laughed and shook my head. "I don't always need to speak to Calum, Dad."

That was something else that was pretty foreign to me—calling him dad. It seemed so awkward yet so comforting and fitting, all at the same time.

It was honestly strange to look back and see just how mean I truly was to him when all he wanted to do was have a life with me and help me get better.

"Well, no," he smiled. "But it doesn't hurt to talk."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, yet I knew how right he was about speaking to someone, specifically Calum in this case.

But in my fantasy, I just wanted to get out of this damn hospital.

There was a knock on the door, and I glanced over to see Michael entering, holding a bag of takeout food. "Morning," he smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back.

My dad looked up from his paperwork and laughed. "You said you didn't have to be in until ten today."

"I don't, but I figured you guys might like a breakfast that isn't strictly hospital cafeteria food."

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"Good. I gotta make sure I get those cool uncle points."

"Oh!" my dad laughed. "So that's what this is about?"

"Well, no, I wanted to bring you guys breakfast, but it was mostly about the uncle points, yeah."

I laughed at their interaction. "Well, since you're not actively poking and prodding me or trying to get me to talk about my emotions and feelings, I'll give you twenty bonus points."

"Yes! See, Luke? She's so much cooler than you."

My dad snickered and shook his head. "Hey, I am so cool."


I couldn't help but smile at the interaction between the two best friends. Even though things had been rather crazy in my life over the past month, I was rather grateful to be here—not only to be alive but to be here with my dad and his friends.

They seemed to be a ravenous and chaotic bunch, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Mate, you can go home, you know? Take a decent shower and get some rest," Michael suggested to my dad. I could tell that Luke was exhausted, and going home would probably do him some good.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm okay."

"You should go home," I agreed to Luke.

"What?" He laughed and shuffled his paperwork to the side.

"You should go home and rest; Michael's right. You look exhausted, Dad."

"Carson, I'm fine."

"Please? For me?"

Even though he didn't want to and was more than hesitant about leaving me, he knew that we were all probably right; he needed to go home.

It didn't have to be for the whole day, but just enough for him to get some much-needed rest. There was no way he was able to sleep comfortably on the hospital couch in my room.

"Fine, but I am only going there for an hour, and that's it." He stood up and grabbed his things, then walked over to me, kissing me on the forehead. "Love you."

"I love you too, dad." I smiled back at him and hugged him. "Drive safe, please."

He gave a thumbs-up in response, and just like that, he was gone.


It was about half an hour after Luke had left after we all practically forced him to go home, shower, and eat some decent food—not something from a hospital cafeteria and vending machines.

I sat watching reruns of some television with Ashton; Michael had to go visit patients.

All of a sudden, Calum ran into the room, hyperventilating. "Ash," he gasped and gestured his head, indicating he wanted Ash for something. "We need you in the ER now."

"Okay." Ashton stood up and followed Calum out of the room. He seemed confused, and truthfully, so did I. Why didn't the hospital just page him as opposed to Calum running to come get him? Then my mind immediately went to my dad; was he hurt?

No, surely not. He was okay; I was sure of not.

They closed the door behind them, but I still heard every word that was spoken.

And my assumptions turned out to be wrong, yet my suspicions became true.

"What's going on, Calum? You're all jumpy and crying." I heard Ashton speak, the worry laced within his voice.

"Luke was shot."

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