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(sorry if this doesn't make sense to you in the storyline I have a very forgetful memory and def forget what I've written in the story lol)
(not proofread)


It wasn't long after that day that Luke was released from the hospital. Sure, he still had some recovery ahead of him and had to wait to be cleared to go back to work, but he was grateful to be able to have a good support system surrounding him. Carson, Ashton, Michael, and Calum; his family.

"You're coming home today," Carson sang happily as she strolled into Luke's hospital.

Luke let out a laugh in response. "You weren't supposed to be told that yet."


"Sorry," Michael spoke out, coming in behind Carson. "That's my fault; it just kind of slipped."

Luke playfully rolled his eyes at his friend's mistake. "It's fine, Mike, honestly. I'm just happy to be going home with you guys."

"And we're happy to have you back, mate."

"Yeah," Carson smiled and walked closer to Luke's bed. She sat down on it and laid her head next to his. "I've really missed you, Dad."

"I missed you too, baby girl," he said, kissing her head. "I can't believe they didn't let you see me." But truthfully, he understood why they did it since both of them needed the proper time to recover. But Luke was definitely ready to go home, even if that meant he'd end up removing his own sutures eventually, since he vowed that the only reason he'd be returning to the hospital was for work.

"I think it's time we get you hooked up with schooling, Car," he continued. "You could perhaps continue with the online schooling or go to an actual school."

"I don't know about continuing online schooling because it gets kind of lonely and boring, but I'm definitely not sure if I'm ready to face American schools yet."

"Well, the new school year doesn't start for a couple more months, so you've got a bit to think about it."

Carson shrugged and maneuvered her head to look up at Luke, tears glistening in her eyes. "What if people find out about me?"


"You know my story, dad. What if they find out about the drugs, the abuse, and my mom?"

"Heyy, Carson Relax, love." You're getting all worked up." Luke moved to sweep the loose hairs away from Carson's forehead. "It's exactly that, your story. So you get to choose who you tell the truth to, or you don't have to tell everyone. If anyone gives you a hard time about it, then tell me."

"You wouldn't hurt a fly."

"No, he wouldn't," Michael laughed. "But that's what you've got—three amazing fake uncles."

"I think you guys are probably just as bad as me," Luke chimed in with a laugh.

Meanwhile, Carson lay next to Luke and listened to the sound of the two doctors conversing, her eyes softly beginning to shut as tiredness started to overcome her. If she were to fall asleep right here right now, it would probably be the most sleep she had gotten in the past couple weeks, protected in her dad's arms.

She felt overwhelmed and emotional still at everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. She had lost the one person she knew all her life, yet at the same time she gained four even more amazing people, one of them being her dad.

She also didn't think she was truly mad at her mom for giving her the drugs in the first place, because if she hadn't, she may have never fallen into Luke's care. As much as she hated him in the beginning, she was glad that he took the initiative to fight for custody and didn't give up, even when she was being pretty difficult.

He wanted her and loved her, and that made Carson all the more safe, secure, and loved.

"Oh, sorry," she said, speaking up and opening her eyes once she felt Luke beginning to shift around. "I'll get up, dad."

"No, it's okay, Car. You can sleep, my love. I don't mind."

This right here was her life, and she hoped in the future that nothing ever changed.

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