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(not proofread)


It has been approximately five days since Carson was released from the hospital; she had been staying at Luke's house for the time being, with the guys rotating to stay with her while Luke was unable to do so.

In the meantime, she had been begging to see Luke since she wasn't able to when she had been in the hospital. At first, Calum, Ashton, and Michael were hesitant, given the fact that they just wanted Carson and Luke to rest and properly recover; however, today they finally gave in, and she couldn't be more excited.

"Good morning." Ashton smiled at Carson once she had made her way down to the kitchen. He stood at the stove, making breakfast. "You're smiley today."

"Well yeah, Ash," she giggled. "I finally get to see my dad again."

"That's true, love. Sorry, we kept you away from him for so long and kept you in the hospital."

"It's okay; I understand why you had to do it." She was sure that the accidental overdose had probably scared all of them, but she was certain that it possibly had a bigger impact on Ashton since he was the one to find her.

"Well, we're all very glad you're here, Carson. We haven't known each other all that long, but it's been a joy to have you and see Luke so happy."

Carson opted to stay silent at that, but did send a small smile to the general surgeon standing in front of her. She knew that they had all gotten off on a rocky start when she first met everyone, her dad included, but now things had changed, and she very much appreciated them all.

She was grateful to all of them for helping her see what her mother was doing to her. Of course, she had always sort of known that it was wrong with what her mother was doing with the passing of drugs to her daughter, but before she enjoyed it, she realized how much the drugs and addiction had taken over her life.

She was only 15 for fucks sake and had her whole life ahead of her. She was happy she was free of that hold.

It wouldn't be easy, but it would be a new start.

"Good morning." Calum smiled when he walked into the kitchen that morning. He was dressed for work, so Carson assumed they would all be going to see Luke.

"Hi," Carson waved slightly. Although she didn't mind Calum and was comfortable around him, there was still a slight bit of awkwardness considering she still had weekly sessions with him.

"Excited to see Luke today?"

"I'm very excited. I've missed him."

"We have too." Ashton nodded in agreement and handed her breakfast to her.

Carson jokingly scoffed at that. "Well, you guys got to see him. I didn't."

"Hey, we wanted to give both of you a proper time to recover and not rush into anything," Michael added to their conversation.

"I understand," Carson reiterated. At this point, she really didn't care anymore and wasn't mad about it; she just wanted to see her dad.


Carson walked excitedly yet anxiously, besides Ashton, throughout the hallways of the hospital. Since he was the one available for the time being, he offered to take her up to Luke's room.

"You seem bouncy," Ashton commented beside her with a smile. He swiped his hospital identification card to gain access to the ward Luke was staying in, then held the door open for Carson.

"I am," she smiled back. "I get to see my dad. I mean, I know I basically hated him for a lot of stuff, but I came to realize that my mom was the monster and not him. He was just trying to help."

"Yeah, we all, love. Drugs are a scary thing for anybody to be doing, let alone a teenager. I'm not trying to lecture you, though."

Carson paused their walking and turned to hug Ashton. "I don't know if I've said this since the overdose, but thank you, Ashton. You saved my life that day, and I'm really sorry you had to be the person to find me like that."

Ashton closed the hug between them further. "Carson, it's okay. I'm just glad we could get you the help you deserve. You're a bright kid, and we all know you'll do great things one day. Now come on, let's get you to your dad."

The pair made their way through the ward and then stood outside a closed door. Carson could see her dad sitting up in bed, his eyes focused on a book.

"Whenever you're ready, hun." Ashton spoke and stepped aside to allow Carson to take the initiative to open the door leading to Luke's room.

She turned the handle and opened the door. Luke's head turned to view the sound, and his blue eyes met her own.


"Dad!" She teared up. "You're okay." She rushed over to his bedside and hugged him, feeling his arms come over her body in an embrace. In this moment, she was overwhelmed with emotions, but she felt at peace in her dad's arms.

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