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(not proofread)


Carson's pov

When I awoke next I was no longer on the plane but instead laying on a bed. Was it all just some sick nightmare and I finally woke up from it?

Yet looking around at the lavishly decorated room I knew I wasn't in Australia anymore.

I could hear the faint noise of talking downstairs and the sound of a dog barking.

Where the hell was I?


I could faintly remember the conversations with Luke in Australia and on the plane to America, how he kept questioning me about my Xanax pills; wanting to know what they were. Desperate to know.

I also vaguely remember something about him carrying me off the plane and saying we need to talk later, or was that just the Xanax talking?


My Xanax.

I immediately sprung out of bed and felt my feet hit a soft, fluffy pink rug next to the bed. Pink surely wasn't my color.

Something didn't feel right in my mind though.

My Xanax.

I saw my bags on the floor by the closed door and I picked up my carry-on and opened it, and then began to dig around inside the bag.

When that failed I shook all of the contents inside the bag out onto the floor in front of me.


My Xanax was fucking missing.


I ran my fingers through my hair and gripped it tightly. How could I have been so careless?

More important what gave Luke the fucking right to go through my shit?

I was almost certain that he held the pills now since he was so inquisitive about them and asking me if I was trying to sneak drugs onto the plane.

I had to get them back.

I fucking needed them. Couldn't function without them.

They were mine, not his.

Throwing open the closed bedroom door, I noticed that I was in a hallway with a couple of other doors leading to rooms in it.

Luke's voice was wafting up the stairs along with some other voices that I did not recognize.

I looked back at the empty backpack laying on the floor and the pile of scattered items next to it, then immediately chose to bolt out of the room and towards the stairs.

Luke wasn't fucking going to get away with this.

Not on my watch.

"Where the fuck are they, Luke?!" I rushed downstairs to where I assumed Luke would be and that's when I found three other people also standing in the kitchen.

"Where's what?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I honestly don't."

I was going to just walk away as opposed to explaining it to him in front of these new people, but that's when I saw the package of my pills in his hand.

"Those! Those are fucking mine, you thief."

"Oh, these are your pills?" One of the three people spoke. He had a shaved head and brown eyes.

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes curious as to why he thought he got an opinion in this matter.

"May I ask why? Xanax is a dangerously addictive medication."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"The name's Calum Hood," he smiled. "I'm one of Luke's mates."

"Who are they?" I asked and pointed to the remaining two people. "Are they Luke's 'mates' too?" I put air quotes around the word 'mates.'

"Yes, they are. That's Ashton and Michael. We all work together."

Fuck me. Not only did I have to deal with my father Luke who I met for the first time last week, but now I had to deal with three more strangers.

And they were all supposedly working in medicine?

I was not happy.

"Where the hell did you get these from, Carson." My father asked, prompting an eye roll from me.

"None of your business."

"It actually kind of is."

I'm certainly not in the mood to argue with him when he's in the wrong.

"Whatever. Just give me my Xanax back and we won't have to speak for the rest of the three months."


That only enraged me more. "Give. it. Back."

"No, Carson," he repeated. "You will not be partaking in any drugs or alcohol while you live with me. I want to help you recover from your addiction."

What the hell was he fucking on?

He's the one who seemed to be on drugs talking nonsense like that.

"I'm not a fucking addict," I scoffed.

"Carson, it's okay to ask for help."

"No! I don't need fucking help, you do! My Xanax helps me and I like it so fucking give it back, Luke, or I swear to god."

"My answer is still no, Carson."

I lunged forward at Luke and tried to grab the package of pills from him, yet what surprised me the most was that one of his friends had pulled me back from him.

I looked up and saw it was the one who had been introduced to me as Ashton.

"We're not going to do that."

"I want my fucking pills back!"

My father shook his head and held on tightly to the Xanax pills. "No, Carson. You're so addicted to these fucking things that it's causing you to result to violence for them."

"You're not in charge of me."

"While you live under my care I am responsible for you and I'm not going to have you doing drugs under my watch." I watched him open the trash can and toss the package of pills in there. "I don't know who from or how you got these pills, but this ends now."

Two could play this game.

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