On the Rooftop

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Hello and welcome to the fourth chapter!

(P.S. This song is so pretty and matches my 3 A.M. Vibe)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.








I jolt out of bed and fall on floor.

Toga: Oop sorry.

Me: Toga? Where am I?

Toga: Home base, where else? It's been about 2 hours since your little heist, so we let you sleep. But I know you take your vigilante work thing seriously, so I woke you up before you could lose more time.

Damn, two hours of sleep? Looks like I won't need to sleep for 48 hours. That's good, means I can get more work done.

Me: Oh... Thanks. Where's everyone else?

Toga: Doing a little side mission. I'm still on house arrest, so I couldn't come.

Me: Alright. Thanks for waking me up.

Toga: Your welcome~!

Me: What time is it?

Toga: The sun will set in a few minutes or so.

Me: Perfect timing. I'm heading out.

Toga: Already? But I'll be all alone!

Me: I'll be back at sunrise. If I'm not back by then, something happened to me.

Toga: No need to sound so dark! No one even knows what you look like, and you're the #1 Vigilante and #3 Villain!

Me: About that... I haven't encountered Eraserhead in a while, so I was a bit rusty with his fighting style. They caught me, but I escaped before they could do anything.


Me: No, I was Lucifer. And they were stupid enough that they didn't check my identity before I escaped.

No way am I going to tell her it was because they gave me a panic attack.

Toga: Ok good.

Me: See you at sunrise.

Toga: Bye~

I haven't eaten since the day I met Hawks, so I stop by a convenience store in disguise and buy a Lunchable, because who cares if it's for kids? It's still good! I tuck it away, planning to eat it around 2 or 3 A.M.

I patrol the city, saving people from hostage situations, muggings, robberies, and the usual while avoiding pro heroes and keeping my wings hidden. I'm really just doing all the things pro heroes are too cocky to pay attention to. Around 1 A.M. I land at my usual lookout spot, which was the rooftop of one of the taller buildings in the city. But when I land, someone is already here. They look young, maybe somewhere around my age. They have wild purple hair and are facing the edge of the building. It dawns on my why they are here. Just as they take a step off the building, I freeze them, turn them around, and sit them down next to me.

As soon as I give them back control, they start crying.

???: Why couldn't you just let me die?

Me: Because you don't deserve to die.

Phantoms of Choice (TodoDeku)Where stories live. Discover now