Heroes are Liars

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Hello and welcome to the sixth chapter!

(P.S. Epic writing montage song)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



I can't believe I just agreed to eat lunch with a hero. And I can't even kill this one if he makes me mad! Although, if I'm in danger of being captured, Shigaraki said A.F.O. would allow me to kill him if necessary. 

I totally acted all chill in front of him too... My mind was still on the kids, and it's hard to be angry when I all I can imagine is their cute faces. Now he probably thinks I'm some wannabe villain. If only he knew...

After my second encounter with Hawks, I finished my shift for the day and went back to base. We got our healer to fix my injuries from the past few days, and I told Shigaraki about my lunch plans. He said I should do it, so long as I don't reveal any information. We both agreed that I shouldn't say anything that points to me being a villain or vigilante. The main goal of me actually showing up is to give information that confuses him and keep the heroes from getting closer to figuring out my identities.

 In an attempt to keep my likeness hidden, I've put in the hair extensions and black hair dye I usually wear with my vigilante costume (To be extra cautious). I also conceal my freckles and put in blue contacts, just in case this is a hero ambush, and they pull off my mask.

Wait, what am I thinking? He's seen me use my second Quirk, and he's seen my wings. I can just freeze him before he tries anything... But I guess it won't hurt to be careful.

I arrive at the address on foot with my wings hidden, trying not to look conspicuous. I have casual pants and a hoodie on, but because I would prefer to keep my face concealed, I have my mask and voice changer on. So, I do get a few weird looks on the way in, but nothing too bad. I walk up to the front counter, where a waiter is punching numbers on a display.

???: Hello sir, do you have a reservation?

Me: Uhm, yes. I'm seeing an... Acquaintance who's probably under the name Hawks?

???: Wow, you know Hawks?

Me: Yup...

???: Follow me this way.

The waiter brings me to the front door of a room and slides the door back. (A/N: The room is similar to the one in Season 4 Episode 88 where Hawks and Endeavor get lunch) There's a table, and on one side of it sits none other than Hawks. I walk in, and the waiter closes the door behind me.

Hawks: Well look who it is! I was starting to think you wouldn't-

As he waves, he spills a glass of water. Just as he does, I freeze him along with the entire room, just in case there's other people in here hiding. I walk to the other side of the room where the windows are, just as he said there'd be. I unfreeze them and open all of them at once. Once that's done, I stand stalk still. I use my still hidden feathers to try and pick up on anything that doesn't line up with what I see, since my feathers can sense the air around them. After a few minutes, I'm sure we're alone, at least for now. I grab the cup Hawks spilled, still frozen in midair along with the water that was in it. I move the water back into the cup and set it back down next to him. I walk to the other side of the table and sit down, looking around one last time before unfreezing everything.

Hawks: ...

Me: Did you really expect me to trust you that easily?

Hawks: *Sigh* No. But hey, that was pretty impressive. I thought you could just freeze things, so now I'm curious about the thing you did with the water and the windows.

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