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Hello and welcome to the twenty-fourth chapter!

(Any The Neighborhood fans out there?)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



(A/N: In the original version of this chapter it was put as Todoroki's POV??? Meant to be Izuku's POV, sorry for confusion)

My tears soak the soil of Amalie's grave, and I don't even care that I'm crying in front of a pro hero.

Because I'm here. And she's here. But... Not really...

For a brief moment, I think about digging up the dirt separating myself from her. She's so close I could almost touch her. Hold her hand again. Give her piggyback rides. Roughhouse over a pack of ramen noodles despite having three more not even five feet away from us...


I stop the memories there, not sure if I can take anymore. Instead, I lift my eyes to stare at her headstone. She clearly didn't pick the font, seeing as it's professional and simple, or "restricting" as she'd probably call it. 

I wonder what would happen if I just... Smashed the headstone... She'd probably like that more than leaving it be...

But I don't, because I can't move. I can't do anything, just like the day I lost her.


I chuckle as Amalie pulls me and Shoto towards the Tokyo Mall. She's even more excited than usual, which is saying something.

Amalie: Walk faster guys! My favorite brand is releasing a new line of art supplies today!

Shoto: We know.

Me: We've known since you told us three months ago.

Shoto: And almost every day since then.

Amalie huffs as she drags us into the building.

Amalie: I was excited okay? And, some new All Might merch is releasing today too, so-

The tables turn immediately, and now it's Shoto and I dragging her.

Me: We'll go get your art supplies.

Shoto: Then it's hero merch time.

We both grin as Amalie rolls her eyes.

Amalie: I can't with you two.

We walk around the mall until we locate the correct store. Amalie is the first one in, eyes alight in excitement as she takes in all the art supplies. After at least an hour of rushing her, we manage to get her out of the store with a newly released set of markers, some erasers, pencils, and paints.

I'm surprised we got her to leave with so little.

Much to Shoto and I's disappointment, we all agree to stop at the food court before going to buy hero merch. Amalie skips, a bit ahead of us, holding all her new art supplies. She sings happily as she skips along. At that moment, you can easily tell what made her different from us.

Amalie: Walking on a dream~! How can explain~!

Amalie continues singing, and we regard her in amusement as we keep walking.

Shoto: What hero merch do you plan on getting?

Me: All Might merch of course.

Shoto: Damn, me too-

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