Ignorant Children

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Hello and welcome to the twenty-second chapter!

(The song I picked won't load, so no music this week:( )

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



My eyes slowly open, and I see an unfamiliar ceiling. Remembering everything that happened before Eraserhead rudely knocked me out, I sit up out of the bed I'm in. I use my Quirk to shatter the window I'm in, get up and climb out-

Me: OW!

It takes me a second to process that the window didn't break... At all. I use my Quirk again, and it doesn't work.

Please don't tell me...

I whirl around to face the bed I got out of, attempting to lift the covers with my Quirk. When nothing happens for a few seconds, I shift my focus to my wings. They are shifting between materials like they normally do when I'm not controlling them. When I try to change the material, nothing happens. I groan in frustration.

I can't use my Telekinesis Quirk, and I can't control my wing composition. So they must've found a way to cancel both of my Quirks somehow. But they don't know anything about my second Quirk, so how... Did I slip up somehow? At least my wings didn't change to their natural color... Black... But how did they even make something that cancels both of my Quirks? I can't even feel a bracelet on me or anything, so where even is it? Wait, doesn't that mean...


They've captured me!

I can't get out of here without using my Quirks, and I don't have a way to ask the L.O.V. to help... Now what?

Just as I wonder that, the door opens, and I whirl around to face the intruder. Eraserhead is standing in the doorway, looking me up and down.

Eraserhead: You're up.

Me: How'd you figure that one out Eraserhead?

I ask him with a heavy amount of sarcasm, and he just coughs awkwardly.

Eraserhead: Call me Aizawa.

Me: No, I don't think I will.

Even though I say that, I know I'll already start thinking of him as Aizawa anyway.

At least it's easier to say than Eraserhead...

Aizawa: *Sigh* Well, just to let you know you are sitting in on my class today.



Me: I'm going to be in the same room as those ignorant children!?

Aizawa: While they are ignorant, this is what Nezu wants you to do.

Me: What makes you think I'll do a thing you say?

Aizawa: Because you can't use your Quirks, and I'm sure you would prefer it rather than being sent to prison.

Damn, he has me there...

Me: Wait, how did you know I have two Quirks?

Aizawa: Nezu.

Me: Oh.

Aizawa: Come on, problem child.

What did he just call me?

Me: Problem child?

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