Day 1: Personal Hell (PART 2)

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Hello and welcome to the twenty-sixth chapter!

(Very chill Phonk song)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated whose POV it is, it's Deku's.



I eat my lunch in awkward silence, Shoto sitting a few feet away on the large rock we decided to perch on. 

Me: You uh... Didn't bring anything to eat?

Shoto: Wasn't hungry.

I'm not sure what to say after that, so the awkward silence continues as my mind wanders.

28 more days... 28 more days... I'll have to find a way to sneak away from whoever's supervising me tomorrow so I can meet with whoever's "In my debt." Hopefully whoever's supervising me is chill, and not someone like Tenya Iida... Although I suppose I'll have to face him one of these days.

Maybe I can get some info on the class as well. Other than the lack of conversation, Shoto is still treating me like he used to, which is technically an advantage...

Me: ... Since I'm going to have to spend one day with each of your classmates, can you uh... Give me a rundown on each of them or something...?

Shoto: Sure. Where do you want me to start?

Me: Which ones are going to make me miserable and which ones won't bother me much?

Shoto. Ah. Well to start... Iida and Bakugo might be difficult.

I fight the urge to scoff. The words "Bakugo" and "difficult" will always be paired together, along with a few other words like "Obnoxiously loud and scruffy pomeranian" and "Violent dandelion."

Shoto: Hagakure, Kaminari, Satou, Ojiro, and Kouda are kinda scared of you, so not sure about them... Ashido, Aoyama, Uraraka, and Kirishima are fine but loud... Yaoyorozu and Asui are a bit uptight but otherwise fine... Shinso, Jirou, Sero, Shoji, and Tokoyami are all pretty chill.

Jirou... Wait... The girl I saved from that collapsed building!? I hope she doesn't recognize me, although that's not likely... I was Heron after all...

Me: Wait a second, what about Mineta?

I haven't checked the school records since the start of the school year... Is he dead? I hope so. Isn't Shinso in General Studies?

Shoto: He was expelled on the second day because of... Well... Reasons. So Shinso, who was next in line to qualify for the hero course, transferred in.

Me: Huh. Alright. 

Once again the awkward silence stretches on. But instead of looking at me, Shoto's looking at my food.

He was probably lying about not being hungry... Ugh... If I want him to believe I'll keep talking with him after he gets me out of here I probably have to be... Nice. Well, generally.

I toss an apple at him, and it hits his head before he catches it. He looks from the apple to me for a moment, clearly lost.

Shoto: Uhm... Izuku...

Me: Just eat it.

He obliges, and the almost infuriating silence comes for another visit.

Shoto: Would you rather start a cafe or continue being a vigilante?

I blink and stare at him, caught off guard.

It's like his old Would You Rather questions... Huh...

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