Day 4: Cards Against Humanity

138 4 7

Hello and welcome to the twenty-ninth chapter!

(I feel like I might've put up this song before, but it's so peaceful)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated whose POV it is, it's Deku's.



(A/N: I'm pretty sure only Tokoyami can understand Dark Shadow in MHA canon, but for this AU we'll say anybody can understand it.)

Dark Shadow: So, do you have a thing for the heroes you've captured?

All conversation at the table dies instantly.

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow... You can't just... Say that...

Me: Uh...

Shinso snorts, and we all awkwardly go back to eating. It's currently lunch period, and Fumikage Tokoyami is my supervisor today; Which means I eat lunch with him and what has been dubbed the chill group, which consists of Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Kyoka Jiro, and Tokoyami himself.

Dark Shadow: Is that a yes then?

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow!

Me: Fuck no! I captured Endeavor at one point, remember?

Dark Shadow: Fair point.

Shoji: Did you really need to ask him that?

Dark Shadow: I was just curious.

Shinso: He laughed psychotically and delivered a villain speech to the camera when he captured Endeavor, which definitely screams "I'm attracted to this big daddy"

Tokoyami: Apparently I have to tell you this is Izuku: No cursing.

Me: Ugh noooo...

Jiro: What the actual fuck did you just say Shinso-

Dark Shadow: L+ ratio get dunked on

Koda: W-what does th-that even mean...?

Tokoyami: I've been letting Dark Shadow watch too many meme compilations...

Shinso: What, I'm just saying.

Jiro: I genuinely can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not.

Shoji: We'll probably never know.

It takes every ounce of my will not to laugh out loud as I watch the conversation unfold. To prevent me from making a fool out of myself, I opt to take a drink of my water.

Dark Shadow: Still, kidnapping that many people? There's no way he doesn't have a thing for at least one of them-

Shoji: Must you ship every person that breathes in the vicinity of the other?

Dark Shadow: Huh?

Koda: Made s-sense to me.

Shinso: If not Endeavor, then who oh wise Dark Shadow?

Tokoyami: Don't encourage-

Jiro: Impart us with your wisdom

Dark Shadow: Well I mean we all know Todoroki has a thing for him, but Izuku hasn't kidnapped him so...

I just barely manage to cover my mouth with my hand before I spit out my water.

Me: What!?

Shoji: You couldn't tell?

Shinso: Todoroki is definitely into you.

Me: But he- How- it's- I-

Jiro: I think that's enough mind-blowing reveals for the oblivious for this lunch period.

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