Harsh Reality

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Hello and welcome to the twelfth chapter! (I realized I skipped a chapter number somewhere, but it takes too long to look through each chapter, so I'm just going to keep it like this)

(P.S. This song was basically a metronome for me as I wrote this chapter.)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



I wait until Hawks and Tokoyami are a good distance away before I burst into laughter.

They have no idea it's me! Because Heron is an energetic angel and would never hurt a fly, right? Hah!

I calm down and turn to look at the scenery on the hill again, reflecting. I feel someone's presence come up behind me.

I shoot upwards, pivoting before I land. I plan to restrain them, but I can't do anything when I see their face.

His face.


Amalia: This is my first time in a city this big. Are you they said to meet here?

Me: Positive. We need to keep moving, otherwise we won't make it on-

Not looking in front of me, I bump into someone's chest.

Me: Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!

I step back and look up at who I bumped into.

(A/N: In this story specifically, Shoto is 11 in this flashback, and he is tall)

???: It's fine. I was kind of distracted too.

Amalie: You kind of look familiar...

I look at the person, realizing she's kind of right.

Their hair is half red half white, and one of their eyes is blue while the other is a dark grey. They also have a large scar on the right side of their face. Oh, I know who this guy is.

Me: You're one of Endeavor's sons, right?

???: Yeah... Anyway, where are you two headed in such a hurry? I'm asking because, well... I just ran... away... From my house and... Was wondering if I could join you two? I don't have anywhere else to go...

Amalie: Of course, you can tag along!

???: Nice. I'm Todoroki Shoto, but you can call me Shoto.

Amalie: Nice to meet you, Shoto.

Shoto: Likewise.

Me: We were just heading over to the pickup location for our reward for the week, since we completed our jobs.

Shoto: Reward? Jobs? You wouldn't happen to be working for a certain Yakuza group centralized in Kyoto, would you?

Me: Yes... Why?

Shoto: Since my father's a hero, I hear bits of his missions sometimes. They were just talking about intercepting a package the Yakuza were going to pass on today. What's in the package?

Me:  If we get some stuff done for them, they give us food, water, and a little bit of cash.

Shoto: Stuff like... Killing?

Me: No! I do their budgeting, planning, and scheduling since I'm good with math and organizing.

Amalie: I run a little bit of HR for their members and look for spies. I busted one this week, so we're getting a good payout today.

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