Imposter Syndrome

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Hello and welcome to the ninth chapter!

I am very proud of the video thumbnail that I put at the top of this chapter. By the way, I like your shirt. No, I'm definitely not being sarcastic about either of the things I just said.

(P.S. Go to 2:25 in the video above, I swear it's worth it)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



Todoroki's POV:

I look up at my popcorn ceiling, looking for different shapes in the strange patterns. I was going to do something else, but I can't remember what I wanted to do. And I don't feel like doing anything anyway. Despite trying really hard not to, my mind wanders to my friends. Amalie's laugh, Izuku's smile... The way they both always thought of others first no matter how bad things were for themselves.

You couldn't do that then, and you can't do it now. All you can think about is yourself.

 Still, it's been... Almost a year now? And it feels like nothing is helping. If I could just see them again, everything would be okay again. It could be like how it used to. Me asking them ridiculous Would You Rather questions, Amalie relentlessly finding every excuse to paint anything and everything, Izuku with his witty retorts, always making observations... It was perfect. We were perfect. Everywhere we went, people always told us we acted like siblings, because we fit so well together. Like a 3-piece puzzle. Simple, but satisfying. I really would give anything to see them again. 

I... Never got to tell Izuku... Now obviously I never will...

I close my eyes, trying to block out the thought that always comes up every time I think like this. A knock comes from the other side of my door. I quickly sit up.

Me: Come in.

When the door opens, I'm surprised to see Father standing there. Ever since I came back, he's finally been treating me like a human being, giving me personal space. He's become a better father, in my opinion. Almost like he realized why I left in the first place.

Father: Shoto...

Me: Endeavor. You need something?

Father: I would appreciate it if you called me Enji.

Me: Oh, sorry. I-

Father: It's... Fine.

I stare at him. He's never interrupted me before, not even before I ran away... Something is up.

Me: So, what can I help you with...?

Father: I... Need to ask you something, and depending on your answer, I might need to tell you something as well.

Me: Okay.

He sighs and sits down next to me on the edge of my bed. I wait, giving him my full attention.

Father: When you came back, you told me you made some friends during your time... Away from home. A boy and a girl.

I instantly tense up.

Where could he possibly be going with this?

Father: What do you remember about the boy? 

Me: ...

What does my dad want with my dead friend!? I want to answer honestly since this has to be incredibly important if he's even daring to ask me. But Izuku was (Unjustly) considered a villain when he became a Vigilante about a year and a half before he died. I want to keep his name clear. But I still want to tell dad the truth. I owe him that much.

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