Never Trust an Insomniac

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Hello and welcome to the nineteenth chapter!

(P.S. Oh look! A disturbing video and character has been turned into a phonk song!)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



I hum absentmindedly as I make a customer's drink, putting the warm liquid in a nice gray mug before handing it to them. After the customer sits down, I begin cleaning the mugs behind the counter, still humming softly.

Hayato: You're in a good mood.

Me: Am I? Does it matter?

Hayato: I didn't mean anything like that, I think that it's good that-

Me: And I think you're trying to find an excuse not to do the accounting.

Hayato dramatically sighs, before slowly turning back to the computer. Our taxes are due soon, and he got stuck with the job of filling out the forms.

Hayato: I hate this! This is like the ultimate suffering!

Zen: Hmm, I think not having a job is the ultimate suffering.

Hayato: Eep!

Zen chuckles and I grin as Hayato starts furiously typing.

It is true that I'm in a good mood. It's been a week since Heron went missing, and it has become wonderfully chaotic. Now that an independent hero has been kidnapped, the Hero Commission is finally panicking. Since I don't have to worry about being Heron, I've gotten to focus more on being Xian and Lucifer. Xian has become a big discussion online, considering the crime rate hasn't increased much since heroes started disappearing, and people have figured out that the #1 Vigilante is the one doing all the work. The whole "Are heroes really the heroes?" debate is spreading like wildfire, and it is very entertaining to watch. Plus, I have someone I'll be visiting tonight, and that will-

Zen: Katsuro, quit mumbling and pay attention.

I'm about to argue that I am paying attention, but then I notice a group of kids in UA uniforms coming up to the counter.

They look about the same age as Katsuki's group.

A kid with blue hair steps in front and yells while making a strange hand motion.

Only one UA student looks and acts like this... Tenya Iida.

Iida: Hello cashier! We would like two green teas and...

Me: Um. Yes?

He flips back around to face a green haired girl that I recognize as Tsuyu Asui.

Iida: Tsu! I apologize, I forgot what you wanted!

Tsuyu: Oh, that's alright. I'll have hot chocolate and a slice of the mousse cake, ribbit.

(A/N: Guess which one of those three is my comfort character)

I nod and start to make their drinks. They sit at a table somewhat near the counter, so I half listen to what the group is saying.

Uraraka: It's too bad Todoroki couldn't come with us...

Tsuyu: Well, he said he needed to do something, ribbit.

Iida: Yes, he did! Uraraka, you should respect your friends choice!

Uraraka: Of course I respect his choice, goodness! It just feels a little empty without our whole group together.

Iida: I would agree!

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