Just Wonderful...

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Hello and welcome to the twenty-first chapter!

(P.S. Yes, more Odetari, you can never have too much Odetari)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



My eyes snap open as I look around, ready to fight the inevitable onslaught of heroes.

There's no one here... 

Where am I?

I look around again, paying more attention to the area. Darkness as far as I can see, the only presence I can be sure of being the floor beneath my feet.

Oh no, not here! 

When I get overwhelmed or too upset, my instincts take over and my wings turn to their second most dangerous composition: Shadows. How it works is a bit of a grey area to me. Because shadows can't be contained, when this happens the shadows run rampant for a bit, then turn back into my normal wings. But if the shadows make contact with a person, it kills them slowly. Be near the shadows for more than 5 minutes and you're dead. I don't know if it can do more than that because honestly, I've been to creeped out try.

I swear I was getting better at controlling my emotions...

???: You're not.

I bite back a groan as I turn around to face the voice. I'm not surprised when I meet a version of myself exactly, but with completely black eyes. After I killed... Her... He appeared, claiming he was the manifestation of my insanity. At first, I didn't believe him, but now, after all the things I've done... I wouldn't be surprised if he really was. I know he's the reason that I get so angry all of a sudden. I also know that this is probably some form of personality disorder. And the name he took for himself only makes things worse.

Me: Hey Deku...

Deku: Hello Izuku.

Me: Why am I here?

Deku: You and I both know why.

I roll my eyes at him.

I forgot how annoying it is to talk to him since he knows my thoughts.

Deku: Don't focus on that right now, focus on what will happen when you wake up.

Me: What do you mean? Simple, I scare, injure, and maybe even kill some stupid heroes, leave, and go about my life. Wait, did you say wake up? How did I fall asleep in the first place?

Deku: Well, you're not technically asleep. Right now, all the heroes are trying to get inside the giant ball of shadows you have surrounded yourself with. I brought you here because I need to tell you something.

Me: Uh, okay... What is it?

Deku: We are splitting.

What is this, the TLC Channel?

Deku: No, not like that. I mean that I am going to become separate from you.

Me: What? Why? How? Wh-

Deku: Shut up and let me finish. The amount of emotions you have been experiencing lately is too much, and he need to split. It won't be that different from normal, except you will hear me constantly, instead of my tendencies blending in with your thoughts. I also won't be around as much, mostly showing up if you decide to turn your wings into shadows like you did or you get angry.

Me: So a new thing to drive me even more insane?

Deku: You could say...

Me: Great.

Deku: Now that you understand, snap out of it. (A/N: Thoughts that are "Deku's" will look like this)

Suddenly the entire area disappears, replaced by a room full of discombobulated heroes.

I guess they really were trying to get through my shadows. How stupid.

Everyone quickly gets up into defensive positions, all looking weary of you.

Look at them, they fear you.

I laugh at them, enjoying their fear, while also being slightly concerned that Deku was right in that he has in a way separated from me.

Me: See? You were wrong not to fear me.

Eraserhead: Just calm down and we'll let you go.

Me: Like hell you will. I don't need your permission to leave. In fact, I'll leave right-


Me: Why!?

Everyone looks at me, bewildered. I didn't mean to say that out loud, but that is ridiculous.

Excuse me!? No!

Think about it, you'll see Shoto again, and be able to give him what he deserves. You might be able to get new intel on the heroes. Plus, you can annoy them all out of their minds. Who said you have to behave?

I burst out laughing again, then sit down with my legs crossed on the floor. Everyone else tenses up, and I scoff.

Me: Am I somehow more dangerous when I'm on the floor?

Shinso: Well no, but... Didn't you just say you were going to leave?

Me: Sure did. Changed my mind.

Everyone falls silent at that, utterly confused. After a bit Nezu is the first to speak.

Nezu: Alright then... Would you like to stay here at UA High?

Everyone looks back to Nezu, glaring at him like he's crazy. 

Knowing what I've seen, he probably is.

Me: Yes please!

I give him my most sadistic grin, and most of the people in the room shudder.

Nezu: There will be rules. You will wear a tracker at all times, have at least one person with at all times, stay within UA-

Me: I'll stop you right there. What makes you think I'm agreeing to your terms? I only said yes because I need a place to sleep. So no to all of that. Even though I despise all of you, I won't bother you if you won't bother me.

Nezu: Hmm... 


I glare at Present Mic to get him to shut up, and it works. 

I'm surprised Eraserhead didn't complain about his loudness.

Wait, where'd Eraserhead go?

Just as I think that I feel a pressure and a bit of pain in my neck before I pass out.


Hello! Thank you for reading the twenty-first chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

I originally had a huge, extra-long chapter planned where Deku gets captured, but then I realized I'm TWENTY CHAPTERS IN... I need to make something happen before you guys kill me, so this chapter is short because it wasn't planned.

Thank you to:

@Pannndaaaa13 for commenting!

@Random_bread_007 for voting and commenting!

TYSM for the support!

Words: 1032

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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