Cat's Out the Bag

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Hello and welcome to the forty-first chapter!

(I can not tell you how many times I've listened to this song)



Toga's POV:

The blonde villain-hero's question makes my heart stop, in a gut-punching and yet slightly thrilling way.

I knew letting A.F.O. push me around would come back to bite me in my ass later...

I clear my throat nervously, my voice a slightly higher pitch than normal, but hopefully indiscernible. But my confidence quickly disappears as I become more conscious of everyone's gaze.

Me: Well I- it's- Mm-

Kirishima: Man, I really thought we all would be able to get along.

Mina: Me too, at least for Izuku's sake.

Kaminari: Are we all going to have to fight now?

Shigaraki: You heroes are all worthless brats.

Shigaraki steps forward, gesturing to Izuku without getting to close.

Shigaraki: See this, right here? This is a result of our foolish mistakes. And I'm not about to make more. Toga might be insane, but she's sane enough to be human and I think it's more likely than not she was blackmailed, or maybe fearmongered.

Watching someone care like that... Takes my breath away. I can't be sure if it's good or bad. 

Kinda makes me wonder what Shigaraki's blood tastes like.

Dabi steps forward too, giving me a small side glance before addressing everybody else.

Dabi: Shigaraki is right, for once. I think we can all agree this isn't Izuku's fault at the very least. But even with that, A.F.O. outnumbers us easily. But I think I know what we can do.

As Dabi begins to describe his plan, I suddenly feel horribly out of place. I still feel like the traitor.

I silently slip away, knowing that for once this isn't my place.


Todoroki's POV:

Find Izuku.

The thought loops in my head, syncs with my heartbeat, and drives me forward as I use my ice to propel me through the streets toward Izuku's location. I know this constitutes as abusing my Hero License, but I can't bring myself to care.

I couldn't stand sitting in that stifling, room, listens to adults talk with all plan and no action.

Abruptly noticing I had become lost in my thoughts, I realize I am on an open road, fields on either side of me.

I should have brought some form of hydration. Hopefully I make it before my ice capacity wears out. I don't want to have to resort to propelling with fire.

I continue contemplating my shortcomings as I cross the plains, coming to a stop in a small suburban area and running the rest of the way towards the hospital, phone in one hand. I'd managed to take a photo of Izuku's location from Nezu's monitors before I slipped away unnoticed, mapping out the area in my head according to the map.

I enter, giving a small nod to the receptionist, acting as if I should be here and praying I can pass.

Receptionist: Excuse me, sir? Come on over here so I can check you in.

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