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Hello and welcome to the fifteenth chapter!

(P.S. This song fits my midnight vibe.)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated who's POV it is, it's Deku's.



I fly around the city as Heron, looking for any big fights going on. I see a building collapse and rush over to it. I help get some people out, along with Hawks, Thirteen, and some other heroes I don't recognize. After we finish, Hawks comes up to me. 

Hawks: Heron, good to see you!

I switch to my dopey smile and turn to face him.

Me: Hey Hawks! By the way, I just wanted to say... I'm sorry about Endeavor...

Hawks: It wasn't your fault anyway. But once we catch that villain, I'll make sure they tell us where-

I stop paying attention as I hear the sound of distant crying. Hawks stops as well, probably hearing it too. We both head towards the sound, going to the same general area and searching the rubble. As I near a large chunk, the crying gets louder.

Me: It's okay! I'm a hero, and I'm going to get you out of here! What happened?

???: I was in my room and... The floor gave out out of nowhere...

That voice sounds familiar.

Hawks comes over as well, hearing the exchange. He looks at the piece of rubble, frowning.

Hawks: My feathers can't get through any of those gaps...

Me: Step back, I'm going to try something.

He nods, and I consider the situation.

What can I use to get this piece of rubble out of the way without hurting whoever's behind it?

My mind runs through different weapons and scenarios, before finally making my decision. I take out a feather and make it as sharp as possible.

Me: I need to know exactly where you are to get you out. I'm going to need you to scream as loud as you can for me, okay?

The person screams at the top of their lungs, and I swiftly slice the right side of the piece. Hawks catches on and uses a feather to get the person out before the chunk of rubble collapses in on itself. Once the person is out, bystanders that I didn't even notice before give a roaring cheer. I ignore them and help the person stand up. I stare at them as I see their face.

Kyoka Jiro!? Was this where she lived? I can't let her know that I recognize her, that would be suspicious.

Me: Are you okay? What is your name?

Kyoka: K-Kyoka Jiro.

Me: I'll call you Kyoka. Is that okay?

Kyoka: Yeah.

Me: Okay Kyoka, can you tell me where your parents are?

Kyoka: I don't know. They were supposed to be on tour playing shows, and I was home alone.

Me: Hm... What school do you attend?

I already knew the answer of course, but I needed to make this sound natural.

Kyoka: UA...

Okay. I want you to go up to Thirteen over there and ask her if you can stay at UA until your parents return. If you want to speak to your parents but don't know their numbers, I'm sure the school has that information. I will personally make sure anything that is recovered in the area we found you will be sent back to UA. Stay safe kid.

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