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Hello and welcome to the thirty-eighth chapter!

(This song is so beautiful and reminds me of those days when you were allowed to stay up late as a kid and it was peaceful)



Dabi's POV:

After several excruciating hours of patience that consisted of laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling of the boring rooms we were given, I decide I've waited long enough. Taking extra care with every movement, I get up and get out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I'm met with a long hallway with a lot of doors, some of which likely have everyone else in them. But I remind myself to focus and scrutinize the ground until...


There's one.

I stop when I see something at my feet, a very small, rounded object, and pick it up.

A droplet of metal. Perfect.

While the doctor had led us here, I had managed to get a button off my coat, smother it with my fire discreetly, and leave a trail of small droplets of melted metal behind us so I would know how to get back to the room they're keeping Izuku in. I'm almost positive that those around me had noticed the burning smell of metal.

But they hadn't stopped me or said anything. Now that I think about it, halfway through the walk they formed a loose, natural-looking border around me as we had walked.

So that A.F.O. or the doctor wouldn't get to close and smell what my hand can't smother...

We're all tired of A.F.O.'s convoluted games.

I pause once again when I sense another presence near me that draws nearer still until it's beside me.

Toga: The metal trail thingy was smart~

I jump a little in my skin.


She must've caught me and Shigaraki's glance.


No more harm done with a third member to our little stealth team, it probably would be good to have someone with a skill that doesn't completely depend on their Quirk.

Me: Toga. Try not to sneak up on me again. If we make too much noise we're done for.

Shigaraki: She already did that to me. Honestly Toga, I just lectured you about it, and then you went and did it again?

Toga: I forgot what you said, okay? Sorry, but I'm just so excited to go help Izuku~!

Shigaraki: Lower your voice, bitch.

For the second time tonight, I jump out of my skin.


Right, Shigaraki.

Damn, I am jumpy today.

And with that, I rally the other two, and we begin our mission, following the spread out trail of the small droplets of metal I left behind until the hallway expands into a large open-ceiling space.

The same one we saw Izuku in. The glow coming from that direction looks familiar.


There he is.

Jeez, it's been nfive hours and Izuku is already taller.

I apologize in advance kid if you end up looking like this for the rest of your life.

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