Too Late

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Hello and welcome to the thirty-seventh chapter!

(Not only is the actual song and show amazing, but this orchestral epic cover is AMAZING. Personally, Vox is my favorite antagonist.)



Bakugo's POV:

Sero: What!?

Kaminari: There's no way!

I scoff at the two's stupid behavior, both me, Kirishima, and Mina moving to cover their mouths.

Mina: Keep it down, guys... We were never supposed to know this anyway.

Sero: Well, what should we do about it?

What should we do about it?

What can we do about it?

Those monsters are turning Izuku into something that can't be undone. We know where they are at least, but rushing in just me, myself, and I... I know I won't be enough. Not for something like this.

Damn it Bakugo, stop thinking like that!

You're the great Bakugo Katsuki, and you're going to give up just because you singularly can't take on the League of Villains?


Keyword, singular.

Kaminari: Izuku as a nomu would be terrifying! The death of us all-

Me: Shut up damn coward, and don't talk like that. What we're going to do is rally everyone that would be willing to help and find him.


Dabi's POV:

The kid looks so damn lifeless. That's the first thing I think when I lay eyes on Izuku. The rest of the League is here too, with varying degrees of similar reaction. Izuku is different, barely recognizable as he continues sleeping away in that giant test tube of a homeostasis chamber.

Toga: First of all, he's huge!

Spinner: And disturbingly lanky.

AFO: That's his bodies natural reaction to the amount of power in his body. The power needs enough room to spread out, so it just stretched the canvas a little.

We all tense when we become aware of AFO's presence. This was all because of him anyway. Even Shigaraki, who was usually infatuated by AFO and his plans, was hesitant to carry out his part in this one.

Twice: He looks... Odd, to say the least. He looks beautiful.

Dr. Garaki: These side effects are to be expected. The nomu's brain exposing itself is usually the biggest reaction, but no lobotomizing was needed for this so there was no opening. If anything, I find this more appealing than the kid himself. Always so stupidly selfless; at least he'll get something done now.

Everyone glares at Dr. Garaki, but not too much. Because as long as AFO is in the room, this entire plan was perfect, sensical, and right. Because he was in control.

Shigaraki: So, our plan is to release him once the transfer is fully complete, let him wreak a little havoc and worsen his image, rein him back in, and use him as a catalyst for your more... Ambitious plans, AFO?

AFO: Correct Shigaraki. I have a place for you all to rest while we wait. It's likely he will be fully ready within the next 48 hours. Until then, you all can rest.

AFO leaves, and Dr. Garaki guides us to our separate, small rooms. But just before we're separated, Shigaraki's eyes meet mine, and I know what the plan is now.

There's no way in hell we're letting this kid become a weapon.


Hayato's POV:

This part of it is meticulous. All of it is meticulous really. But one wrong move, and this cool motherboard would be worthless.

Zen: Hayato, you aren't busy are you?

I jolt, just barely managing not to tap the motherboard with the soldering iron.

Me: Zen, not cool! You could have ruined it!

Zen: Hayato...

I pause at Zen's tone, looking up at their face. They look mildly confused, but also having that worried look they get when anything involves our old employee, Katsuro.

Wait that's right, his real name is Izuku.

Me: ... Zen?

Zen snaps out of their small trance and meets my gaze, sighing.

Zen: I got a call from some kids at UA. They had some... Disturbing news about Izuku. Apparently, the League of Villains got their hands on him and are trying to transform him into... A nomu.

This time my hand does slip with the soldering iron, soldering a part of the motherboard that would be very hard to replace. But suddenly it's not a concern.

Me: What!? He- he's what? You mean the monsters that tore up the other side of Tokyo!?

Zen: Unfortunately yes, but they also said something else. They know where he's being held, and they want us to come with them to help get Izuku out of there. I know I have the better judgment, but we've known each other since highschool. I'm not doing this without you.

I switch off the soldering iron and set it down, looking at the ground thoughtfully.

Me: ... We'll help Izuku.


Hawk's POV:

The text sent by Bakugo is short and simple yet so shattering. How'd the L.O.V. get ahold of Izuku in the first place, especially when UA put him under so much security? Did he escape somehow?


Do I want to help him?

I still hate Izuku for manipulating me like that, pretending to be an ally...

But even when putting on an act, he saved me while we were on the job countless times.


Damn it.

I think I owe it to him.


Hello! Thank you for reading the thirty-seventh chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

The rallying has begun! Twists and turns you could never predict! Reveals you've never even comprehended ahhhh

Really though guys thank you for the support and patience, we're almost to 100 votes too!

Words: 892

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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