Tried and True

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Hello and welcome to the twenty-fifth chapter!

(This song is an absolute VIBE)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated whose POV it is, it's Deku's.



Eraserhead's POV:

Just how tired do you have to be to fall asleep at your friend's grave?

I glance at Izuku's sleeping form in the backseat. After crying for a good hour he just... Fell asleep. For what feels like the hundredth time, I ponder his situation. He kidnaps heroes, yet he lets me hug him. He posed as a hero to mess with Hawks and get information, yet grieves a friend. His situation is the most difficult kind... A moral grey area. Maybe that's why Nezu had insisted on putting him in class 1-A.

I sigh as I park in the teacher's parking lot, glancing at Izuku once again. With another sigh, I get out and pick him up, carrying him inside. Trying not to wake him, I set him down on his bed and leave the room, activating the high-tech security lock we installed on the door per Nezu's instructions. As I get down to the common room, the friend group the students call the "Bakusquad" is there, along with a few others.

Kirishima: Aizawa-sensei! Where's the Hero Kidnapper?

Me: He's sleeping.

Kaminari: How do you know that? You're not stalking him or anything like that right...?

Iida: Kaminari! That is a very impolite question to ask a teacher!

Me: It's fine, Iida. I was assigned to keep watch over him, so in a way, yes.

Sero: Damn...

Tsuyu: Aizawa-sensei, don't you think it would be better if we took turns watching him, ribbit? You are a teacher, It seems inconvenient for you to keep watch over him constantly... Ribbit...

Me: It is, but the Hero Commission asked me to. 

Tsuyu: Perhaps we can all take turns watching him? We could go by day, and everyone in the class could take a day, ribbit.

Me: None of you would know how to handle him, he's smart, patient, and a good actor. All of you should know by now that that's a deadly combination.

Ashido: We can take precautions then, pass around a wristband that we can use to notify teachers if there's a problem or something like that... it would be fun! Please?

Me: ... I'll talk to Principle Nezu.


Todoroki's POV:

I walk into the common room, and everyone else is there. Yaoyorozu had knocked on my door, telling me Aizawa-sensei wanted to speak with all of us in the common room. (A/N: Not a ship, their rooms are on the same floor canonically look it up... and Todoroki's already caught feelings for Mr. Main Character...) When Aizawa-sensei notices I'm here, he nods and silences everyone's side conversations with a glare as he sighs.

Aizawa-sensei: For the time being, I have been keeping an eye on the Hero Kidnapper.

Izuku... They should stop calling him that...

Aizawa-sensei: But I am a teacher and a pro hero, making the situation impractical. We have decided that you as students will be keeping watch over him, so you may learn how to deal with a rehabilitating villain and gain valuable experience. Each of you will escort him around, not letting him out of your site at all during your day, from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. (A/N: I genuinely can't remember if I expelled Mineta from UA for this fic, but I would want to either way so from now on Mineta is replaced by Shinso and always has been since Mineta got expelled on day two for some random and guaranteed valid reason)No one is exempt from this, unless there is something otherwise important going on, in which case you may speak with me or Principle Nezu and will be exempted, and supervise him your next time around. Otherwise, you are expected to put supervising the Hero Killer before anything else. 

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