Day 5: Unsettling Observations

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Hello and welcome to the thirtieth chapter!

(I've discovered a new subgenre and I am a bit obsessed)

Sorry for the slight miscalculation on the date I'd be returning, today is in fact Thursday and not Wednesday.

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated whose POV it is, it's Deku's.



I groggily open my eyes to the dim light of daybreak flooding through my window.

The sun isn't up yet. I guess I woke up a bit early.

Since I'm not allowed to have anything but necessities in my room yet, I opt not to get out of bed just yet in favor of staring at the ceiling and thinking about what Tokoyami's friends said yesterday.

"Todoroki has a thing for you."

"You couldn't tell?"

"Todoroki is definitely into you."

What did they mean by all that? Jiro had also called me oblivious, but I would notice if Todoroki is looking at me like he loves me. He is treating me the way he used to for the most part, but he definitely didn't have a crush on me then, so I don't know what they see that I don't. If it was just one person it would be easy to deny, but if a lot of people are saying it makes it more difficult to disregard. Why would he even have feelings for me anyway? I've made it clear that I hate him.


Do I?

I'm still really angry at him... But I don't think I completely hate him. I feel a bit bad that I'm using him to get out of here, but everyone here sees me as a villain. So what's the point in trying not to act like one?

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door, and I quickly realize how much time has passed.

Me: Be out in five minutes!

I call as I rush to get dressed, rolling my eyes at how I sound.

I sound like a well-behaved son. Ew.

I open the door to find wide, frog-like, and curious but analytical eyes staring back at me. I recognize this person as Tsuyu Asui, who's about my height but stoops a bit lower due to a slouch.

(A/N: There is no way I'm going to write "ribbit" at the end of every sentence, so let's just say that Tsuyu still does even though I don't write it from here on out)

Tsuyu: Hello. I am supervising you today.

Me: I can see that.

Tsuyu: I like your suit. It makes you look dapper.

Me: Dapper...? Yeah, okay. Thanks.

This girl is going to get on my nerves all day, isn't she?


Tsuyu: Do you sit like that because you're uncomfortable emotionally?

For what I swear is the seventeenth time today, I question my sanity as I try to fix my sitting position.

Me: ... No.

Tsuyu: Oh, my mistake.

Tsuyu resumes conversing with the rest of her friends as I sit off to the side, pouting a bit. We're sitting at a table that consists of Tsuyu, Iida, Uraraka, and Tododroki. Thankfully, Todoroki was gracious enough the sit on the other side of the table, with Tsuyu between us and Uraraka and Iida on the other side of the table. I half-heartedly listen in on their conversation, having in interest in taking part in it.

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