[-:-] THE CO-WORKERS [-:-]

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(Ah yes, it's that time of day again to post a harem chapter to get you warmed up! Keep in mind some characters are going to be genderbent!)



(Our first pick is gonna be none other than...)

Charlie Morningstar!

(The cheerful demon who wishes for good in Hell!)

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(The cheerful demon who wishes for good in Hell!)


(The girlfriend of Charlie

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(The girlfriend of Charlie...for now.)

Angel Dust!

(The first customer in the hotel!)

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(The first customer in the hotel!)

(...I wonder what this feminine fellow could do...)

Cherri Bomb!

(Someone has to be glued back up together

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(Someone has to be glued back up together...)


(The Radio Demon!)

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(The Radio Demon!)


(The drunken cat!)

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(The drunken cat!)


(Alright folks, that's all for now!)

(If you wish to see more members, feel free to say anything!)

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The Horizon Training Guide!

Hello fellow esteemed worker, if you're seeing this, then congratulations on being one of the many people to get chosen for The Horizon™️! This is a manual on what to do in this complex area, and we wish you well!

Now, before we head to your actual jobs, we must establish some important factors! Get ready to meet your new co-workers! You see, teamwork is very important for everyone inside, even Oscar himself can't do things without his trusty family! Without further ado, get ready to meet the crew!

"Hey there, as you already know, I'm Oscar Witt! The founder and CEO of The Horizon! I lead the creation detail inside this building, so for any of you inventors or wiz-lads inside this building, please stay inside this room for a personal speech!"

"Greetings, call me Natalie Witt, the loving wife for my Oscar! I lead the shelter detail, giving those who are unable to help themselves! If you work for this detail, head to the back of the building!"

"Hello there, I'm Kendall Witt, daughter of the Witt family! I manage the ocean detail, trying to clean the seas and help the aquatic animals that exist! Go to the left room to have a nice conversation to know each other!"

"Sup, names Danny Witt! I do the cleaning detail for The Horizon. Now it may not seem much, but the Earth needs to be clean after what we've done! Head to the right for a quick motivational speech!"



(Cough cough...yeah i think i've got too interested into some args...)

(Anyways, what did you think about this stupid lore dump?)

(And what did you connect from it?)

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