[-:-] ENTRY 08: MASQUERADE [-:-]

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The light flickered, and the room was dim. Angel Dust woke up suddenly, realizing she was tied up to a chair. She struggles to escape, only to be useless.

"Finally awake, Angel Dust?" The supposed hellhound captor walked around her, the spider demon being glowered.

"Yeah, and what's it to ya?" Angel Dust regained her confidence, the captor furiously pointed his knife up against her face.

"I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault..." The hellhound captor demanded.

"It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything." Angel Dust laughed, unbothered by his threats.

The hellhound lifted her up from the ground, grabbing her by the neck. He brought her up close...telling her something many would fear...

"Fine! I guess I'll just have to FUCK the information out of ya!" The hellhound captor warned.

"...Do your worst...Daddy~" Angel Dust said seductively all of a sudden.


Hazbin Hotel...

"Oh, yeah, baby!~"

It was revealed to be a porno, everyone watching it on the hotel's TV. Madam Pentious and Charlie were creeped out, Vaggie being annoyed by the spider demon's choice...while Niffty was rather interested. Y/N walked up, keeping his stoic look on the TV...Oculus closed itself, not wanting to see it.

"Ya know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-xi' award." The actual Angel Dust in the room was lying on the chair, proud of herself.

"It's, uh...Very...Honest?...Oh..." Charlie reluctantly said, turning her head away from the TV, shielding her eyes from what she was seeing.

"Ew." Vaggie simply said.

"Oh, harder, daddy!~" The sounds of Angel Dust's recording were heard.

"...God, I wish that was me." Y/N spoke.

"Oh, we can probably do this right now...They don't mind watching, do they? I'll help you recreate the scenes, and let you take control of me like that hellhound~" Angel Dust got up close to him, disgusting the others around.

"...Who said I was talking about being the hellhound?" Y/N asked, getting weird stares saying it.

"What made you like thissss?" Madam Pentious questioned Y/N.

"Being misleading is funny." The janitor simply answered.

"Okay! Enough of that. Angel, what the fuck?" Vaggie helped Charlie cover her side of her face so she doesn't see the TV by using her hand, whilst staring at Angel Dust disapproving and unamused by her acts.

"What? You said was show-and-tell day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin you that it scored me a win over that bitch, 'Tiffany Titfucker.'" Angel Dust crossed her arms.

"Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene." Husk was seen cleaning and wiping a wine glass from the bar.

"Alright, bitch. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?" Angel Dust asked, pissed by her.

"You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?" Husk tossed a towel away, making Angel Dust gasp.

"Fuck. You. This is classy art!" Angel Dust gestured to the TV screen...which showed her rear being slapped and bitten by the hellhound captor.

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