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A decapitated head dropped down onto the ground. A giant figure walked up, approaching someone very slowly while dragging someone's begging body.

"PLEASE! I'M SORRY, I WON'T COME BACK HERE AGAIN!" The man begged, beaten up.

However, the giant stayed silent. Instead, he tossed him. A young teenager, was slowly approaching the man. The teenager coldly looked at him, lifting a barbed wire bat. He swung, quick, making his head-


Everything around froze, and the only thing that was louder was the footsteps arriving to the scene. Someone walked up to the frozen people...it was Y/N. He stood there, looking at them.

"...Ain't that cute. A young misguided psychopath, soon turned into a janitor." Y/N joked about the teenager, who seems to be his younger self.

He lightly chuckled about it...before going silent. Y/N sighed, and his surroundings disappeared. Instead, he found himself in a galaxy, floating around.

He flipped his hair back so Oculus could see. The third eye projected out memories, Y/N scrolling through them. It dated back to his human days, and his activities during Hell.

Unlike his usual self...He seemed off. Instead of his laidback and smug look...Y/N looked miserable. The janitor stops his projections, and closed his eyes.





Hazbin Hotel...




Y/N woke up from his slumber, his arm handing off his bed. He used Oculus to try and shut off the alarm...Only for him to have multiple attempts to actually get it right, due to his inaccuracy of throwing objects.

Once the alarm stopped, Y/N got up, stretching. He walked up, approaching the speed bag. He hits it slowly, before making it go in a rhythm with each beat he hits. Y/N stopped, walking away from the speed bag.

He kicked up his broom, catching it smoothly. Y/N now went to the bathroom, checking himself in the mirror. He took a deep breath, and walked away.

"Man...where did I place my headphones again?" Y/N questioned, scratching his head. He knelt down, feeling the floor's vibrations.

Y/N stood back up, locating the headphones. He picked it up and places it on his head. The janitor would pull out his phone, before putting on a song he listens to.

"Alright..." Y/N opened his door, walking out his room.

The hallway was empty, due to him being up early...Or so you thought. Y/N looked around, before whispering out a name.

"...Niff?" Y/N quietly said her name.

Suddenly, Niffty came speeding through, her one eye looking with glee.

"Hi again, Y/N!" Niffty exclaimed giving his leg a hug.

"Heya. You ready to get cleaning? Charlie probably wants this spotless real quick." Y/N asked.

"Mhm! Anything with you included, I shall do!" Niffty said, getting a duster. Y/N gave her a pat on the head.

"Oh, by the way, I might be heading out after this. You don't mind keeping the place spotless for me when I'm gone, do ya?" Y/N asked.

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