[-:-] SESSION 00: DISCUSSION [-:-]

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Hazbin Hotel...




Y/N sat down on a bar stool, eyes on him. We came back after the incident between them and Pentious, the hotel members staring at him, specifically his third eye.

"...You guys gonna speak yet?" Y/N asked them.

"How come you didn't tell us?!" Charlie approached, looking with glee at his third eye.

"...C'mon. Y'know what happened." Y/N leaning his arm on the counter.

"Hell does this even mean? I just thought he was another sinner who just loved to fuck around just like me." Angel Dust asked.

"Seriously?! First the Radio Demon, and now this?!" Vaggie shouted at the spider demon.

"C'mon, I don't care about lore and stuff, I wanna head into the good shit, like sex, drugs and...yeah, its just sex and drugs basically." Angel Dust couldn't find any other examples.

"Allow me to tell you the short tale of these types of demons, shall I?" Alastra stepped up, clapping her hands.

The lights go out...and the only source of the bright is a fire appearing on the Radio Demon's hand.

"Ah yes...the third eyes. Demons who have abilities beyond other extent, which soon decayed into the unknown..." Alastra gave an overview.

"In this realm, demons like Y/N over here used to live along the ring, their abilities differing from others."

"It was said that the olden Ars Goetia family have taken interest upon these unique abilities, learning on how they strive...The current alluring head of the Goetia family, Stola, is said to have this knowledge stored somewhere within her library..."

"Unfortunately, they soon dwindled away into the past. Some said that they were executed by the purging, and some said that they simply hide under the shadows."

"Until now, we have never managed to discover what truly happened with them..."

Alastra clapped her hands once more, the lights turning on. Y/N sat there, struggling to stay awake. He widened his eyes, realizing that he was in the middle of a meeting.

"That's all I can tell for now, but this demon right here...could possibly be what once was thought to be a forgotten side of demons finally revealing themselves." Alastra patted his back.

"It doesn't make sense! How did it happen? How did you even find him?!" Vaggie questioned.

"...Y'know when I said that I shook hands with her?" Y/N asked, Vaggie nodding.

"So moment I shook it, I was brought here. My human body transformed into this demon, and I now have this third eye, which helped me get out of situations." Y/N answered.

"He has much to learn, but the reason why he hid the eye is due to his own safety. It's quite a shame that once a powerful species has to go in hiding...but in good news, at least I have a potential overlord in the making!" Alastra exclaimed.

"...Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen. I just wanted a place to crash at, whilst making my way in this new life." Y/N shrugged.

"Ooh, ooh! Can he predict time?" Niffty popped her head out.

"...Kinda? For example, something could-"


A dagger flew past his neck, Y/N tilting his head in order to weave the projectile effortlessly. The dagger shattered the drink Husk was drinking in the background.

"-...Come at my head, and my eye gives me a sensation to move out the way." Y/N finished his sentence, while everyone stared at what just happened.

"Hey! How the fuck am I supposed to drink my sorrows away if you keep throwing those stupid daggers at me?!" Husk complained.

"...Is she always like that?" Y/N questioned.

"Of course she is! Husker has been quite a hassle being with, but we still kicked it." Alastra said.

"Because she gave me booze! ...damn, am I still hallucinating about him?" Husk walked up, feeling Y/N's face with her hands.

"...I can't tell...are you alive?" Husk asked, leaning in close as her face flushes due to the alcohol.

"Physically? Yeah, probably. Mentally? ...It depends in general." Y/N replied, lightly removing the cat demon's hand off him.

"...Say something everybody would say." Husk requested.

"It's not gay if it's Ryan Reynolds or Andrew Garfield." Y/N replied.

"...Yeah, you're probably real." Husk now left him alone.

"...OHHH! That's how you dodged that perv's attacks earlier!" Angel Dust finally realized.

Y/N nodded, now getting up from his seat.


Silence fills the air...before Angel Dust gets an idea.


"Ya wanna see if you could dodge bullets with that eye?" Angel Dust pulled out her Tommy Gun out of nowhere.

"What, no! Put that down!" Vaggie pushed the gun downwards.

"Yeah Vaggie's right. That's completely idiotic...let's do it." Y/N smirked, his third eye gleaming brightly as they prepare to do something stupid.

"Y/N NO-"


(I said at least 20 votes...BUT 30 IN ONE DAY??)

(Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this short, and this might be a stopping point for now...which just leaves one book alone, along with a giant :)

(Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in January 2024!)

USELESS QUESTION OF THE DAY: Alastra said he could be a potential overlord...of what specifically? (Ex. Alastra relating to Radio, Vox relating to Tech, etc.) And how could this play out?

USELESS QUESTION OF THE DAY #2: Y/N seems to not be using his abilities to his full extent in general, only using it for self defense and sometimes cleaning...what could push him to finally use his fullest extent of his abilities, and how would it affect the place?

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