[-:-] ENTRY 10: MAMA DRAMA [-:-]

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Hazbin Hotel...




Y/N was with the others...however, they were staring at something. To whom they were looking at, was Charlie, with lots of paper and strings attached on a wall. Everybody seemed disturbed by her behavior...except Y/N and Niffty, who were amused.

"...Is depression here yet?" Niffty turned to Y/N, starting a quick side conversation.

"Not yet." The janitor replied.

"I'll get it soon..." Niffty giggled maniacally.

Vaggie walked downstairs, noticing the princess.

"Yikes." Angel Dust arrived as well, looking concerned.

"I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working...Okay, okay, think Charlie...Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think...Okay if I do this, it's going to be—Oh, I have trust falls every single morning. We can do—Come on, come on, come on, come on!" Charlie complained quietly, clearly stressed.

"...Charlie? Sweetie? You, uh, you good?" Vaggie worryingly asked.

"Nope! No, not really, haha!" Charlie looked sleep-deprived with crazy all over her face. Red veins were visibly shown on her sclera.

"I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come—HAHAHAHA!" Charlie turned into her demonic form, laughing manically. She returned back to normal, still stressed.

"And at this rate-"

"Maybe it's time-"

"NO." Charlie interrupted her lover.

"To ask-"

"DON'T SAY IT." Charlie got up close to Vaggie, holding her face.

"...Your mom." Vaggie said it...meanwhile, Y/N snickered to himself, hiding it as she said it.

Charlie groaned, knowing what she has to do.

"Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get." Vaggie stated.

"She let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, "Go ahead and kill everyone"—Wait, that's it!" Charlie gasped in realization.

"Kill everyone?" Vaggie asked.

"No! She could get me a meeting with Heaven!" Charlie gives her idea.

"Didn't we already try that?" Her lover asked.

"Well. yeah with Adam, he was an asshole. But he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen." Charlie said.

The princess grabbed her phone, scrolling through her contacts. Her finger lingered above one of her mother's contact, hesitant.

"What's the holdup? You got mommy issues?" Husk questioned, getting a glare from Vaggie.

"No, we just have never been close. After she and my other mom split, she never really wanted to see me. She calls, sometimes, but only if she's bored or like needs me to do something." Charlie said.

"Mommy issues." Husk smugly said, aware of the truth.

"Least you had a mom." Y/N commented.

"Well I'd like to meet the big tits in charge." Angel Dust said.

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