[-:-] SESSION 03: RUN A WAY [-:-]

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Y/N looked at the message on his phone for a bit, sighing, typing in what he wishes to do.



It's me, Velvette

Don't ask how I got ur number

I hope you didn't forget about the offer

You got the hots and physique, but your taste in clothes are utter fucking trash

My crew and I can get you some new attire you'd definitely attract more with

Maybe turn people gay

Whaddya say?

ye sure

i wanna see how to improve my outfits

I got time around tmrw

when do u want to medt




Sent u the location

see u tmrw, kisses darling ❤️


Y/N places his phone on the table, recording himself for another session to keep track.

"Session 03...so, I had like a weird, yet cool day." Y/N states, Oculus showing itself.

"So, I met a Shakespearean-type overlord, who happens to respects me just because I'm owned by Alastra. Not gonna lie, he's cool." Y/N commented on Zestial.

"Then, some big lady with like...claws, I'm pretty sure? I can't tell, just like the others. Yeah, I don't think I'm able to remember them all in general." Y/N stated Carmilla's design.

"Then, pretty sure a harlequin named Velvette walked up to me, insulted my outfit, offered to fix it up later, and started to sing about being a slay queen or somethin'. Not that important to the topic I have in store right now." Y/N said, clearing his throat.

"So, recently discovered that Exorcists could be killed. Pretty sure anybody can kill those "pure" souls." Y/N shrugged.

"...But I figured it out in an interesting way." The janitor said.

"The harlequin tossed me the head of the Exorcist, Oculus and I inspecting it...then something happened." Y/N muttered.

"As me and Oculus checked it...my mind was like...transferred? I don't know how to explain it, but my eyes were like...in the dead Exorcist's POV. He was alive...but it felt odd." Y/N prepared to say something new.

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