[-:-] SESSION 08: WEBBED UP [-:-]

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The Abyssal Archives...




Y/N was found lying on the floor, surrounded by candles. He had done it. He freed himself from his inner chains...mostly. Observa walked up, looking at him.

"You lived." She said the about obvious thing.

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Y/N slowly got up, stretching.

He hopped around to wake himself up, looking around the room.

"How long has it been?" He asked.

"Well, you successfully broke one of the things that bounded you most quickly. That's important. Usually, it would take a while to finish...approximately an hour." Observa calculated.

"...How long did I take?" Y/N specified.

"32 minutes and 12 seconds. Quick indeed." She stated.

"Oh damn...that long? Felt like an eternity inside there." He commented.

"Your mind never ends because it never started." Observa said.

Y/N stared at her for a moment, deadpanning.

"...I know we're supposed to act wise and that...but please speak like a normally so I can understand what you're trying to say." Y/N requested.

"Apologies, the walk in the dark was basically the only long part, thats what I was trying to say. Anyhow...you have done it. You learned the abilities in the book. Now, you are free to do whatever...but I do have one thing in store just for you." Observa said, walking up to a bookshelf.

Y/N tilted his head, unsure what she's going to get. She was seen grabbing a book, before floating to him. Y/N grabbed the book, turning the pages through it...only to realize it was empty? He faced Observa, asking a question.

"...Why'd you hand me an empty book? This like...supposed to be my second training book?" Y/N asked.

"...Well. This is your book. You learned my abilities. But now, you need to learn yours. You can write whatever in there, name the title of the book, new techniques...You could make it into a diary." Observa suggested.

"Oh...That's new." Y/N said, thinking about the endless possibilities.

"Hmm...A lot of shit I can do...Okay, it's shifting to very dark thoughts." Y/N still kept on thinking.

"Alright then...I do believe it's time to go back. It's getting late, I'll show you out." Observa opened a secret passageway to the exit.

The two now walked together, as the janitor was ready to leave the library.


Hazbin Hotel...

Before he arrived at the entrance, Y/N casually strolled through...before realizing the renovations that were happening.

Cannibals were around, building fortifications around the hotel. Someone happened to notice, and point him out.

"...Hello!" One of the cannibals waved at him.

"...Are you like, taking over this place? ...Did you kill Niffty?" Y/N had a threatening tone.

"She's killable?" The cannibal tilted his head.

"Fellas! No worries, I'll handle him!" Alastra suddenly appeared in the middle.

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