[-:-] ENTRY 00: THE DEAL [-:-]

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"DAD, NO!" Danny Witt was seen running, only to trip on something. Oscar slowly approaches him, pulling out a knife and gut him severely. The young boy screamed in agony after what his father done, only for his voice to slowly die out, and so did his body.

Oscar looked at him with remorse, slightly tearing up for what he had done...but he needed his plan to work for once.

"I'm so sorry..." Oscar said, wiping a tear. He used his knife to open his chest, before he sees a man coming down the lift of the underground. He has a blue jumpsuit, (F/C) hair, wielding a mop along with other janitor equipment. The name tag was written as "Y/N L/N"

[-:-] Y/N L/N, The Cleaner [-:-]

He looked up at Oscar, giving a simple nod and uttering one sentence to the CEO who was traumatized on what he has done to his son

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He looked up at Oscar, giving a simple nod and uttering one sentence to the CEO who was traumatized on what he has done to his son...

"And I thought you wouldn't stoop this low..." The janitor said, glancing at the dead son.

"...Eh, still get paid."

"Swear to god, I fucking didn't want this to happen, I just wanted to find a way for others to prove themselves in front of God!" Oscar cried out...but the janitor wasn't having it, only cleaning the blood that was splattered.

"Might as well get the job done, Mr. Witt. After all, I'm not a part of this, and it's simply my job just to clean your litter." Y/N put on his headphones, whistling to himself as he cleans it all up.

Some people will think this is an act of crime, considering the gore that was shown, but for Y/N, it was simply just...

Some people will think this is an act of crime, considering the gore that was shown, but for Y/N, it was simply just

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5:50 AM

In the streets of New York City, the streets were roaring with traffic, citizens walking down as they prepare to do their normal routine. But out of all these people, we zoom inside an apartment, seeing someone asleep.

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